Missions Monday: Gateway Rescue Mission

MAY 15, 2017

POPC Supports Gateway Rescue Mission, a wonderful ministry in our area.

Offering hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Gateway Rescue Mission is committed to providing those in need with shelter, food, clothing, and rehabilitation. On any given night 100 people are off the streets and in safe shelter at a Gateway Rescue Mission facility. Their programs include 40 beds for men, 12 beds for women at Ruth´s Refuge, 52 beds for men struggling with addiction, and 3 meals a day to the homeless and hungry. Check out their website for more information.

Visit their Facebook page or website under operation brown bag lunch to read about a recent need after an accident and please keep them in your prayers!

Young Marrieds Fellowship registration

Don't forget about the Young Marrieds Fellowship at Carl and Jeanie Kalberkamp's home (627 Wendover Way) next Friday, May 19, from 6:00-7:30! We'll have a picnic style dinner - you don't need to bring anything but chairs to sit on. There will be a nursery and child care at the church (open from 5:45-7:45). Please pack a snack or dinner for infants; we will provide food for the rest of the children. So we can have a headcount for food and nursery, please register by next Wednesday.  This is the kickoff event for several upcoming Young Marrieds Fellowship dinners, so if you aren't able to make it this Friday be on the lookout for more to come!

Summer Salad Suppers

Plan to join us for a time of food, fellowship, Bible Teaching, and Small Groups!
June 1 - home of Amy Brown – “The Truth that Leads to Godliness – an overview of Titus” – 
June 8 - home of Leslie Milam – “Good Works”
June 15 – home of Frances Wilson – “Biblical Hospitality”
June 22 - home of Ginny Futvoye – “Gospel Friendships”

Neighborhood Outreach opportunities

POPC will host Neighborhood Outreach Week June 26-30.
The purpose of this week is for our members to get to know our neighbors by hosting two outreaches:
·         a CEF Good News Club, June 26-29, from 6 – 7:30 pm, at Friendship Park.

·         a Balloon Glow Picnic at our church on the 30th.

Stay tuned for more details and an opportunity to sign up to help at Friendship Park and the Balloon Glow! Contact Cheryl Reese at cherylreese4christ@gmail.com about the CEF Good News Club at Friendship Park; Contact Wendy Herring at leeandwendy@hotmail.com about the Balloon Glow.

Connect 4s (respite for foster care families)

Moses' Basket is excited to host two more Connect 4s (respite for foster care families) - Friday night, June 2nd (5:30-9:30pm) and Saturday, September 23rd (9am-1pm). Please pass this on to any foster families you know. To register, ask questions, or volunteer, please contact us at mosesbasket@pearorchard.org. Click here to view the flyer for more information and to share with any foster families you might know. 

Young Marrieds Fellowship registration & information

If you are 35 or under, and have been married for 10 years or less, you are invited to Carl and Jeanie Kalberkamp's home for a backyard picnic style dinner next Friday, May 19, form 6:00-7:30. You don't need to bring anything but chairs to sit on. There will be a nursery and child care at the church (open from 5:45-7:45). Please pack a snack or dinner for infants-2 year olds; we will provide food for the rest of the children. Please register here by next Wednesday. This is the kickoff event for several upcoming Young Marrieds Fellowship dinners, so if you aren't able to make it next Friday be on the lookout for more to come!

VBS Youth Helpers needed!

Some of our youth have already signed up, but we still have needs for youth helpers in all areas and classes.  If your 6th-12th grader is available this summer, we would love to have them!  Please send Kristi Clark (kristiclark3@comcast.net) an email right away to sign them up.

Missions Monday: Friends of Alcoholics

MAY 8, 2017

POPC Missions Monday:

Friends of Alcoholics - Located in Flora, MS. Friends of Alcoholics is a three-phase Biblical approach to drug and alcohol addiction. FOA maintains three homes the men live in while they are being ministered to.

POPC supports this wonderful ministry, as well as many others. Please keep them in your prayers!

Connect 4: Respite for foster care families

Moses' Basket is excited to host two more Connect 4s (respite for foster care families) - Friday night, June 2nd (5:30-9:30pm) and Saturday, September 23rd (9am-1pm). Please pass this on to any foster families you know. To register, ask questions, or volunteer, please contact us at mosesbasket@pearorchard.org. Click here to view the flyer for more information and to share with any foster families you might know. 

Ladies' Monthly Bible Studies

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, May 2, at 9:45 a.m. in the parlor. Tammie Haynes will be teaching the new study "From Fearful to Faithful - What Peter learned from Christ". Tabitha Circle will meet on Tuesday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Frances Smith. Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Micki Smith. Contact Amy (832-4041; amy@hatchettfamily.com) for directions.

POPC Online Pictorial Directory

POPC has moved to using an online pictorial directory. But it is more than a directory to view, it is interactive. You can make changes to your family and personal information, and even upload your picture. The directory has many other useful features and is accessible through a smartphone application. Go to your app store and download the free ShelbyNext Membership app. The POPC Membership app is only available to communing members. Once you download the app, enter your first and last name separated by a “.” [ex. John.Smith]. Skip the password entry and type “pearorchard” for the domain. Next click on Forgot password? and an email will be sent to you with a new password. We hope you will enjoy this new technology. If you don't receive an email confirmation, please call Jan Duran and give her your email address.

Sonbeams Night Out

Sonbeams Ministry is offering a Sonbeams Night Out for parents of special needs children and their siblings, as well as adults with special needs Friday, May 5, from 6:30-9:00 p.m. Ballet Magnificat will be performing. Please call Nancy at 601-898-0668 if you would like to volunteer to help with this wonderful ministry.

Choir Tours this weekend

APRIL 27, 2017

This Sunday, both Praise Troop and Covenant are out on their Spring Tour. Sunday morning, Praise Troop is leading worship at First Presbyterian in Yazoo City and then visiting the Luse Home. Covenant is spending Saturday at Palmer Home and is singing at Carthage Presbyterian Church Sunday.

Senior Banquet this Wednesday

APRIL 23, 2017

Our youth Senior Banquet for the graduating class of 2017 is this Wednesday, April 26, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the MultiPurpose Building. We will have a $5 all-you-can-eat Penn's Catfish buffet and a program honoring our seniors afterwards. Seniors and their parents eat free. If you are a member of the congregation with a connection to one of the seniors, please feel free to join us! Let Molly know at mdawkins@pearorchard.org.

Missions Monday: FCA

APRIL 24, 2017

Missions Monday:
POPC Supports Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The vision of FCA is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. FCA has four ministries they focus on: coaches, campus, camps, and community. FCA values relationships and strives to demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence. Keep this wonderful ministry in your prayers! To find out more, visit their website.


Music Ministry information

APRIL 20, 2017

Whether you are a pianist or a flautist, a guitarist or an alto soloist, opportunities abound for you to use your gift for God’s glory. From Vacation Bible School to assisting in children’s choirs, to singing or playing solos in the worship service, there are places for all musicians desiring to serve. The Music Ministry is seeking members called by God to minister to the body of Christ through the use of their musical gifts. Let us know of your gifts and talents! Like any tool, our gifts can become rusty if they aren’t used. Put to regular use, our gifts are strengthened and our ministry is broadened. Come and join us in what God is doing here at POPC! Contact Margaret Sprow at Margaret@pearorchard.org or call 601.956.3283 x235.