Young Marrieds Fellowship on Aug. 18

On Friday, August 18, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., we will have a Young Marrieds Fellowship at the
church. If you are 35 years old or younger, and have been married for 10 years or less, you're invited. More details will be coming soon. If you would like to help serve our young married couples that evening through childcare or dinner preparation, please let Pastor Caleb know.

Sanctuary Renovation Update

As of June 30, the outstanding debt on the $1,364,000 sanctuary renovation project was $105,450.00. Just 7.7% of our cost is yet to be paid! Our goal is to pay this debt off by December 31, 2017 through the collection of outstanding sanctuary renovation pledges and other gifts designated for sanctuary renovation. If you made a pledge to the sanctuary renovation project, we humbly encourage you to fulfill that offering by the close of 2017. If you did not make a pledge, we ask you to consider a gift to help spread the sacrifice among us all. The Lord has been so good to bring us this far; let’s carry it through to completion for His honor!

VBS Report

This year, over 230 children and 60 Sonbeams adults investigated God's word together as they helped the Scottish Sleuths solve the "The Case of the Arrested Apostles." Many thanks go to over 120 faithful volunteers who demonstrated Christ's love and service to our covenant children and visitors alike and many thanks to all the people who brought food for the volunteers! Special thanks go to our VBS Director, Kristi Clark, and her assistant director, Adelle Johnson, who wonderfully coordinated this year's VBS. Let's be in prayer that the seeds that were planted in the hearts of the children who attended would bear much fruit. 

The Toy Exchange information

The Toy Exchange, a consignment sale for gently used toys and baby equipment will be July 24-28 (General Sale is July 26-28) in the Multipurpose Building this week! This is an excellent way to clean out things your children have outgrown and buy like-new things at great prices. Grandparents, come shop for "extra" items to keep at your home. Encourage your children to clean out items they no longer use and earn some money. Please visit our sale site or contact Mary Lou Heaney, for more information. We need many hands to help with the sale, so please consider volunteering a few hours during this week. To volunteer, visit the sign up here.

Ladies' Luncheon on August 20

Sunday, August 20, immediately following the second service, ladies, high school age and up will have lunch in the gym. Come fellowship with your POPC sisters and hear about what's going on in Women's Ministry at POPC. We want to share with you ways you can get to know your sisters at POPC, opportunities you have to study God's Word with other ladies, and ways you can serve others in our church and community. 

Youth group event (Mega Shenanigans) on Friday, July 28

Rising 7th graders to rising college freshmen are invited to our 9th annual Mega Shenanigans next Friday night, July 28, from 7-10 p.m.  Bring $15 and a friend! To help with snacks for the evening we ask that junior high students bring a 2 liter drink, senior high girls bring a sweet snack and senior high guys bring a salty snack. Let Wilson, Molly or Abbey know that you're coming so we can make sure you have a t-shirt for your team!

Staff Highlight: Jan Duran, Administrative Assistant

How long have you been at Pear Orchard on staff? I have been here at POPC for 16 years.

Where did you grow up? My childhood home was in South Jackson right behind the Carmelite monastery on Terry Road.  I used to go just about every afternoon and have cookies and kool-aid with the nuns! 

What are your hobbies? I love to travel..(especially to see grandkids). I love cooking and love to read.

What's a fun fact about yourself? When I was little I wanted my name to be Susie, so I corrected people when they called me Jan.  Also, my mama would not let me chew gum when I was little...said it was not "lady like". I would go up to perfect strangers and ask for gum.  If they had it, they usually gave it to me. Key point, I had to remember to spit it out before my mama saw me chewing it!


Young Marrieds fellowship: August 18

Young Marrieds, save the date! On Friday, August 18, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., we will have a Young Marrieds Fellowship at the church. If you are 35 years old or younger, and have been married for 10 years or less, you're invited. More details will be coming soon. If you would like to help serve our young married couples that evening through childcare or dinner preparation, please let Pastor Caleb know.

Missions Monday: The Little Lighthouse

POPC supports The Little Lighthouse.

The Little Light House is a tuition-free Developmental Center that for over three decades has been making a difference in the lives of hundreds of children with special needs. The students are served by certified occupational and physical therapists, and trained volunteers. Please keep this wonderful ministry in your prayers! To learn more, visit their website.

Staff Highlight: Caleb Cangelosi, Associate Pastor at POPC

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Baton Rouge, LA. I was actually born in a hospital in Zachary, LA, because the Baton Rouge hospitals were not yet allowing fathers in the delivery room in 1976, and my father wanted to be in the room with my mother. But from birth through college, I lived just miles away from the LSU campus. 

What are some of your hobbies? I enjoy reading, LSU sports, chess, 3D printing, woodworking, kayaking, hiking, and waterfalls. 

Fun fact about yourself: I played the trombone from 4th grade through my freshman year in college. And I love white grapefruit juice, drinking it nearly every morning.

Upcoming Youth Events

  • July 5: Movie Night
  • July 8: Boys sports day– Ultimate 10-12:30
  • July 9: Vittles
  • July 10-15: High School RYM
  • July 16: Vittles
  • July 19: Open Gym and Study on Adoption & Social Media
  • July 20: Summer Shazam lunch and bowling
  • July 22: Boys sports day– Soccer 10-12:30
  • July 23: Vittles
  • July 26: Open Gym and Study on Justification & Social Media
  • July 28: Mega Shenanigans
  • July 30: Vittles

Senior High RYM

Please be in prayer for our 44 senior high youth and chaperones as they travel to Panama City July 10-15 for a week long retreat. Pray that their hearts will be open to receive God’s Word as they hear it preached in large group evening sessions by Jon Von Trapp and in small group electives each day.

Men, join us for Men's Choir tonight!

All men are invited to join us on Wednesdays in July from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the choir room in the Education Building No. 138. Young men from second grade and up are encouraged to attend. This is a great service for dads and sons to do together! Music skill is not a requirement. If you have a speaking voice and a heart of love for Jesus, all other skills can be learned. We will sing a variety of music – a hymn, an ancient text by Thomas á Kempis, a Psalm setting and a gospel song. Come and join your brothers in Christ as we learn songs together and as we seek to encourage the body of Christ to give themselves away in worship. Please contact Margaret Sprow with questions –

The Toy Exchange consignment sale is coming up!

JUNE 30, 2017

The Toy Exchange, a consignment sale for gently used toys and baby equipment will be July 24-28 in the Multipurpose Building. This is an excellent way to clean out things your children have outgrown and buy like new things at great prices. Grandparents come shop for "extra" items to keep at your home. Encourage your children to clean out items they no longer use and earn some money. Visit our sale site or contact Mary Lou, for more information. We need many hands to help with the sale, so please consider volunteering a few hours during that week. More details to come later

July is Men's Choir month!

July is Men's Choir month! Beginning Wednesday night, July 5, all men (rising 2nd grade and up) are invited to join us for one or all of these rehearsals on July 5, 12, and 19 from 6:30-7:30 in the Choir Room (138) in the Ed. Bldg. The Men's Choir will sing each Sunday following their Wednesday rehearsal. Come and enjoy fellowship and music-making with your brothers in Christ. Questions? Please contact Margaret Sprow, 941.8506,