Click here to read the latest update.
POPC Weekly Update - January 15, 2021; Aging in Grace and Wisdom, by Caleb Cangelosi
Click here to read the update.
Important Changes to Sunday Worship Services This Sunday (1/10)
Brothers and sisters,
Today, while part of the Sanctuary Building roof was being repaired, some of the materials used by the contractor caused smoldering under the decking, which resulted in large amounts of smoke in the Sanctuary and Church Office areas. Thankfully, in God's providence, the situation was able to be addressed quickly by first responders and the good work of our maintenance and CCS staff. However, due to remediation measures, we are going to need to hold our Sunday morning (8:30 and 11:00 a.m.) and evening (6:00 p.m.) worship services in the Gym this coming Sunday (1/10). As we were already scheduled to hold our congregational meeting in the Gym, this change of location for corporate worship will hopefully not be an inconvenience to you. Both morning services, as well as the congregational meeting, will be mask required.
Please give thanks to God for sparing us an enormous disaster, and pray for His glory to be revealed through these circumstances. He is sovereign!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Caleb
January 8, 2021 Weekly Newsletter
Click here to read the weekly newsletter email!
Weekly Announcements
December 4, 2020
1. New COVID policies for Worship Services
Unfortunately, the past week has also seen record numbers of the novel coronavirus sweep through our state. In response to the uptick, your elders are not willing to cancel in-person worship services. We believe that it is important to continue gathering together weekly for corporate worship to feast upon the ordinary means of grace - though as we have said previously, we also recognize that each individual/family needs to assess in their own conscience before the Lord the risks that come from attending a large assembly during this pandemic. But in light of the increased spread of the virus, the Session has decided that effective this Sunday, the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary will be a mask-required service, like the 8:30 a.m. worship services in both the Sanctuary and the Gym. The Gym at 11:00 a.m. will remain a mask-optional service, because the room is large and the seating arrangement allows for ample physical distance.
Some have wondered in their hearts or out loud why we allow for any mask-optional spaces at all. The answer in part is that in a congregation (and Session) as large as ours, there is a diversity of convictions on the question of mask-wearing itself and the propriety of requiring mask-wearing; and because we have an adequate number of large spaces on our campus (such as our Gym) that allow people to remain far enough away from their neighbors, we are able to provide a variety of options that allow people who assess the risk in different ways to make choices that they believe are appropriate. The Session is seeking to hold together the love of the brethren and our community, liberty of conscience, and the unity of our body through a season that has ripped asunder churches and relationships. It isn’t easy to hold all this together, and we don’t claim to have gotten it right at every step of the way. But I believe that the hearts of our elders are rightly oriented toward God’s glory, the edification of the saints, and the salvation of the lost, and that they have wrestled well together through difficult issues. Please continue to pray for the Lord to grant wisdom, understanding, and much grace in our relationships with one another - as well as for an end to this pandemic.
2. December Birthdays
3. Welcome to our staff, Howard Graylin!
Howard Graylin, a member at POPC since 2006, has recently been hired by the Session as the Sound Team Leader.
Our Sound Team works behind the scenes to keep our worship services sounding as excellent as possible - and especially since COVID hit, they have worked tirelessly in a more complex situation to make the livestream available to us at home and in the Multipurpose Building.
The members of our Sound Team are Howard Graylin, Rick Goodwin, Ken Haynes, Elliott Bickerstaff, Michael Bryant, Wes Fowler, Joey Smith, and Mike Buckels. Brandon Slay, the Technology Director at CCS, also works closely in conjunction with our Sound Team. (If you have any interest in joining this Team, email Howard at
These servants don’t want to be noticed, in part because they’re only noticed if something is going wrong with the sound or the video of our worship services. But try to notice them even when things sound and look great, and thank them for their thankless service. They are the unseen and unsung heroes of church in a pandemic.
4. Mark your calendars for our special Christmas services!
This December we’ll be pausing in our study of Genesis to look at the hymns that were sung at Jesus’ conception and birth: the song of Mary, the song of Zechariah, the song of Simeon, and the song of the angels.
We’ll also be having our regular Christmas services:
The Cherub Choir pageant will be December 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym. Our 4 year olds-1st graders will lead us in singing to our Savior. Masks will be required.
Lessons & Carols will be December 20 at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary and the Gym. The sanctuary choir and string quartet will lead us in worship.
The Christmas Eve service will take place in the sanctuary and be live streamed to the Gym. Masks are required in both locations.
Make plans to join us as you are able!
5. Our Deacons have set up a Step Morgan Family Fund.
The Deacons have established a designated fund to receive gifts to meet the needs of Step Morgan and his family in the light of his recent amputation.
If you’d like to contribute toward it, you can do so by clicking the “Give” button on our homepage and selecting this fund, or by indicating this fund on your check.
Keep Step in your prayers as he continues physical and occupational therapy, and keep his whole family in your prayers as they all adjust to a new normal. Pray that they would continue to rejoice in the Lord through this affliction.
6. Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online.
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Dean is preaching on Luke 1:46-55 in the morning.
Mr. Wilson Van Hooser is preaching on Ruth 3 in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
Comfort and Joy is Canceled
Dear Sisters,
It is with sadness that I am letting you know we are cancelling Comfort and Joy this year due to a significant rise in COVID-19 cases. The MS Dept. of Health has issued an advisory statement recommending that we not hold large social gatherings at this time. While Comfort and Joy is more than just a social gathering, after prayer and discussion with our pastors and the Women's Ministry Leadership Team, we are united in our decision that we need to cancel.
Much thanks goes to all of the women who have baked the delicious treats for our event. They will not go to waste. Tomorrow morning, a small group of women will meet to finish packing the individual food boxes. Boxes will be delivered to different ministries our church supports, as well as to some of the dear saints in our church body who could use encouragement at this time.
So many ladies were working hard behind the scenes. I want to thank Robin Byrd and Sara Bullock for their labor of love as well as the WM Team and the Special Music Team - Emily Ulrich, Joanna McCallister, and Laura Herbison.
What a privilege and joy to serve our dearest Lord Jesus! He is our real, abiding, Comfort and Joy in all seasons and in all of life, this one and the next! To Him be the glory!
With much love and thankfulness,
Tammie Haynes, Women's Ministry Director
Weekly Announcements
October Financial Report
Ladies, mark your calendars!
Ladies ages 9th grade and up: You are invited to Comfort and Joy, a dessert fellowship in the Multi-Purpose Building, on Thursday, December 3, at 6:30 p.m.
The guest speaker will be Jasmine Holmes of Redeemer Church
Special music will be by Emily Ulrich, Joanna McCallister and Laura Herbison.
Tables will be limited to 6 women and spaced apart in order to practice social distancing. Masks are optional and no reservations are required.
Operation Christmas Child collection week begins on Monday!
This year we are offering curb side service for those dropping off shoeboxes. To volunteer at POPC during Collection Week please call or text Jenny Murphy at 601-906-9776. As you are packing your shoeboxes, please remember candy and toothpaste are not allowed due to customs regulations, and a $9 donation per shoebox (or prepaid label purchased and printed here) should be included to cover shipping and other ministry expenses.
November is National Adoption Month.
Moses’ Basket is a ministry of our church that seeks to serve and support our church body in bringing awareness to and supporting orphans, foster care, and adoption.
Every November, Moses’ Basket chooses a specific need to support related to orphans, foster care, and adoption. This year the Moses’ Basket team has decided to help Sunnybrook Children’s Home.
Sunnybrook is currently in great need of an industrial combination washer and dryer unit for one of their homes. We hope to be able to purchase this need for them through donations.
To donate, please click here and select Orphan Sunday from the fund drop down menu or look for the buckets in Sunday School classes.
Don’t forget to order your Wednesday night dinner!
On the menu for Wednesday, November 18: BBQ Pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, fried okra, cole slaw, water, and dessert.
Click here to order your meal by Monday!
Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online.
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Caleb is preaching on Genesis 42 in the morning.
Mr. Graham Guo is preaching on Obadiah in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
Weekly Announcements
November 6, 2020
November Birthdays
Keep Step Morgan and his family in your prayers.
After ten (!) surgeries, Step Morgan will be coming home in the next few days, Lord willing.
Continue to pray for no infection as he heals, and that he and his family would be able to adjust to their new circumstances with a joyful submission to the wise, powerful, and good will of God.
There will be opportunities to serve and contribute to his recovery needs, so let’s be ready to step forward as we have opportunity and resources.
Men, the Men’s Retreat is next Friday-Saturday!
Men, we can’t wait to see you November 13 and 14 at our annual fall retreat in the POPC gym.
On Friday night, Pastor Dean Williams will speak on engaging the marketplace of ideas in our world. Join us Saturday morning to hear Dean speak on critical race theory.
Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. Friday, and Breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning.
Since the youth retreat is the following weekend, bring your high school aged sons with you!
The cost is $25 per person. Masks are optional.
Please register by next Wednesday.
Operation Christmas Child is almost here.
POPC has been partnering with Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child (OCC) ministry for the past several years to share the light and hope of the gospel to some of the darkest places on earth.
Sunday, November 15th is Operation Christmas Child Sunday. We will be putting together Operation Christmas Child boxes in all children’s Sunday School classes. For more information, please read the letter that was sent home this past Sunday.
If you do not have a student but would like to donate items for the shoe boxes in the Sunday School classes please leave your items and checks in the Children’s Ministry office during the week or on Sunday morning.
Volunteers are needed! If you would like to volunteer during National Collection Week, contact Jenny Murphy at (601) 906-9776.
November is National Adoption Month.
Moses’ Basket is a ministry of our church that seeks to serve and support our church body in bringing awareness to and supporting orphans, foster care, and adoption.
Every November, Moses’ Basket chooses a specific need to support related to orphans, foster care, and adoption. This year the Moses’ Basket team has decided to help Sunnybrook Children’s Home.
Sunnybrook is currently in great need of an industrial combination washer and dryer unit for one of their homes. We hope to be able to purchase this need for them through donations.
To donate, please click here and select Orphan Sunday from the fund drop down menu. Due to covid precautions, we are not passing buckets around this year in Sunday School.
Do you have our church directory on your phone?
If you don’t have Shelby (our digital member directory) on your phone yet, please click here for information on downloading the app and logging in.
If you do have Shelby, please check your information to make sure your birthday, current address, and a current picture is in there. If it’s not, or if it’s incorrect, please update it!
This is a great tool to contact other members, put a face with a name, and other tasks like taking attendance if you’re a Sunday School teacher.
Don’t forget to order your Wednesday night dinner!
On the menu for Wednesday, November 11: Pork Tenderloin, roasted potatoes, buttered carrots, roll, water, and dessert.
Click here to order your meal by Monday!
Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online.
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Caleb is preaching on Genesis 41 in the morning.
Pastor Dean is preaching on Jude 24-25 in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
Weekly Announcements
October 28, 2020
November Birthdays
Blood Drive for Step Morgan
Please see the information below on how to donate blood to benefit our brother Step Morgan, who sustained significant injuries to his leg from a mountain bike accident. He has had 5 surgeries so far.
(1) Visiting MBS’ main facility building as soon as you’re able to at: 115 Tree Street, Flowood, 39232. Their service information is as follows:
Phone: (601)981-3232
Hours to donate: Mon, Tues, Fri 9am-5pm | Wed & Thurs 9am-5:30pm | Sat 7:30am-2:30pm--
You will need to provide the staff with Step’s account information: account code DZ73.
(2) Visiting MBS’ Facebook page
: There you will find information concerning the location of any active bloodmobile vehicle or service sight (Walmart…). As indicated above, please provide them with Step’s information.
(3) On November 3rd, we will have an MBS bloodmobile on our POPC/CCS campus. The MBS specialist will be here from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Let’s continue to pray for Step and his family.
Operation Christmas Child collection week is coming up!
Sonbeams Night Out
Come and volunteer with us to welcome our families back for respite night after a hiatus since March! What a joy and privilege we have to serve and be served by our special needs friends. Volunteers come at 5:45. Please contact Daphne Clark at or (601) 594-3743 to volunteer or if you have questions. Masks will be required for all volunteers.
Fall Fellowship is this Friday!
Don't forget your masks at this fun event on Friday! We look forward to seeing you on Friday for fellowship and fun! Enjoy fellowship, games, candy, and more! Bring your own dinner and blanket to picnic in the grass at 5:30. Games will be from 6:00- 7:30. Kids, wear your favorite friendly costume. To volunteer for games, candy donations, or baking treats, visit the church website or contact
Don't forget to order your Wednesday boxed supper!
Click here to order. The menu for Wednesday, November 4: Deli ham and swiss cheese sandwich on croissant, lays potato chips, broccoli salad, apple slices, dessert, and water
Men’s Retreat is coming up!
Men, click here to sign up.
Lord’s Supper this Sunday
Please prepare your heart this week for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper next Sunday in morning worship.
Weekly Announcements
Family Night Picnic is this Sunday evening.
Family Night Picnic is this Sunday evening, October 25, at 5:30 p.m.
We’ll meet in the Multi-Purpose Building.
Each family will bring their own picnic dinner, drinks, dessert, and paper products/utensils.
We’ll hear an update on our Sonbeams Ministry, and learn more about this vital ministry to our neighbors and our members.
Masks will be required except while eating.
If you’d prefer to feed your family at home, we still encourage you to come join us for fellowship and the Sonbeams report.
Fall Fellowship is around the corner!
Join us on Friday, October 30, for our 7th Annual Fall Fellowship!
Volunteers are needed to make this event wonderful. To provide games, candy donations, or baking treats, please click here or contact Megan Adcock at or Adelle Johnson at
Due to the close fellowship nature of this event, masks will be required.
Men, make plans to join us for the Men’s Retreat.
Men, we can’t wait to see you November 13 and 14 at our annual fall retreat in the POPC gym.
Come hear Wilson Van Hooser speak on family and youth culture on Friday night.
Join us Saturday morning to hear Dean Williams speak on critical race theory.
Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. Friday, and Breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning.
The cost is $25 per person. Masks are optional.
Click here to register.
Don’t forget to order your Wednesday night dinner!
On the menu for Wednesday, October 28: Grilled chicken breast, yellow rice, confetti corn, roll, dessert, and water.
Click here to order your meal!
Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online.
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Caleb is preaching on Genesis 39 in the morning.
Family Night Picnic/Sonbeams report in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
Weekly Announcements (including an important announcement from the Van Hoosers)
These announcements are from the October 16, 2020 e-mail. If you are not on the email list, let know!
Welcome, Luke Zohn Qi!
Luke Zohn Qi, son of Roger and LeAnn Qi, was born in the morning on October 5. He weighed 7 lb, 4 oz, & both son and mom are doing well!
“Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants” (Psalm 144:12).
September Financials
The Session has approved new COVID policies.
At a called Session meeting last week, your elders made some changes to our COVID policies: Beginning this Sunday, masks are required at the 8:30 a.m. worship service in both the Sanctuary and the Gym, and at the 6:00 p.m. worship service in the Sanctuary, and are optional at the 11:00 a.m. worship service in both the Sanctuary and the Gym. Masks are still required in Sunday School. POPC ministries with 20 or less people inside (or 100 or less people outside) where social distancing is possible are allowed to be mask optional. Desiring to help prevent the spread of COVID, while also being careful to maintain health privacy, we ask that if you do test positive for COVID, please alert an elder or member of the pastoral staff, so that we might pray for you and determine if you were in close proximity to anyone else at a particular service or ministry before knowing that you were positive. We will contact by phone those you name, letting them know that an anonymous member who has tested positive for COVID thinks they were in close proximity to them. If a larger scale outbreak were to occur among members who were in the same service or ministry, we would send an email to the entire congregation to alert them of the situation.
Some bittersweet news from the Van Hoosers…
A note from Wilson:
Starting January 1st, Grace and I will be embarking on a new call in ministry as we will be working with RUF at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. We both feel a strong call to minister to college students in their unique season of life amidst all the pressures of school, worldliness, and sin. We have felt very called to go to the "frontier" of reformed theology. We are very excited yet sad at the same time. We have thoroughly enjoyed our 4.5 years at POPC! We have made lifelong and eternal friendships with many of you. Let us never forget that friendship on earth is expanded, continued, and magnified in heaven! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve you. As I told the youth on Wednesday night, I have had one goal for you (though I have not always done it well!): that you might know the immeasurable love of God in Christ for you. I am so confident in our current youth staff and their leadership. I am also confident in our youth committee and the beginning of their search for the next Student Minister. Please pray for our transition and for the transition for the youth ministry. It is Christ's church; not ours. The best thing we can do is leave a legacy about Him rather than about us. Grace and I love y'all so much!
Please reach out to Wilson and Grace during their last two months with us!
Family Night Picnic is Sunday, October 25!
Family Night Picnic is Sunday evening, October 25, at 5:30 p.m.
We’ll meet in the Multi-Purpose Building.
Each family will bring their own picnic dinner, drinks, dessert, and paper products/utensils.
We’ll hear an update on our Sonbeams Ministry, and learn more about this vital ministry to our neighbors and our members.
Masks will be required except while eating.
Fall Fellowship is coming soon!
Join us on Friday, October 30, for our 7th Annual Fall Fellowship!
Volunteers are needed to make this event wonderful. To provide games, candy donations, or baking treats, please click here or contact Megan Adcock at or Adelle Johnson at
Due to the close fellowship nature of this event, masks will be required.
Weekly Announcements
September 26, 2020
October birthdays
This Sunday night is our Family Night “Picnic” and Q/A — come join us!
This Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m., we are resuming Family Night Supper in the Multi-Purpose Building.
But because of COVID, it won’t be a potluck. Each family will bring their own picnic dinner, drinks, dessert, and paper products/utensils.
We’ll be doing a Q/A with Pastors Caleb, Carl, and Dean, Dr. John Kwasny, Mr. Wilson Van Hooser, and our guest preacher, Dr. Cal Beisner. Get your questions ready!
Masks will be required except while eating.
Don’t forget to pay online if you plan to eat Wednesday night.
Boxed dinners for families will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria on a pre-order, pre-paid basis each week. If you plan to eat at church on Wednesday night, you need to fill out this registration form no later than the Monday night before it.
On the menu for Wednesday, September 30: BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, fried okra, cole slaw, dessert, and water
If you need the nursery, please register here. You only need to register once. After that, please let Serena ( if you know you won’t be there.
Young Marrieds Fellowship is returning on Friday, October 16.
If you’re 35 years or younger, please come to the Kalberkamp home on Friday, October 16, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
We’ll be outside in their back yard, and Pastor Carl will be grilling hamburgers.
Nursery will be provided at the church for children 4 and under.
A registration form and online sign up for sides/desserts will be available soon.
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a Young Marrieds Fellowship, and there are several new young couples among us. This is a great opportunity to get to know your brothers and sisters better, and to invite your friends to join us! If you have any questions, email
Save the Date for Fall Fellowship!
Our 7th Annual Fall Fellowship will take place on Friday, October 30. Bring your own picnic at 5:30 p.m., then 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the POPC parking lot for trunk or treat style games and more. Stay tuned for more information!
Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online!
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner is preaching on the idol of science in the morning.
Q/A with Pastors Caleb, Carl, and Dean, Dr. John Kwasny, Mr. Wilson Van Hooser, and Dr. Cal Beisner.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
From the Pastor's Study: Why do we baptize the children of believers?
“The needful but much neglected duty of improving our baptism, is to be performed by us all our life long, especially in the time of temptation, and when we are present at the administration of it to others...” — See who said it and why it matters at the bottom.
1. From the Pastor’s study…
This coming Lord’s Day we have the privilege of celebrating the other sacrament Jesus instituted for His church: baptism. Four sons of the covenant will receive the sign and seal of the covenant of grace — James Herrington Kosko (son of Mark and Susan Kosko), Lewis Karnes Taylor (son of Madison and Liz Taylor), Knox Lloyd Van Hooser (son of Wilson and Grace Van Hooser), and Robert Watts Ulrich (son of Glen and Emily Ulrich).
Have you ever wondered why Presbyterians baptize the children of believers? A few thoughts as you prepare to come to worship this Lord’s Day:
We baptize the children of believers because we believe that God has commanded His people to do so. In Acts 2:38, Peter tells the Jews who were being cut to the heart by his preaching, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Clearly those who believe in Jesus for the first time are to receive baptism.
But Peter goes on to say in Acts 2:39, “For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” Peter is echoing language from Genesis 17, in which God gave Abraham the covenant sign of circumcision. God commanded Abraham to be circumcised and to circumcise his infant sons, indeed, every male member of his household. The covenant of grace was made with the believing Abraham and with his household, including his infant children, and therefore as members of the covenant community they were to receive the sign of the covenant.
Peter is communicating that the children of believers continue to be members of the covenant community. Since the covenant of grace in its old and new administrations is the same in substance, God continues to make His covenant with believers and their children, and the commandment to give our children the sign of the covenant has never been annulled.
In 1 Corinthians 7:14, Paul calls the children of even one believing parent “holy” - that is, set apart from the world and devoted to God. Jesus tells His disciples to let the little children (even infants) come unto Him (Luke 18:15-17). Paul commands the children of believers, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, to keep the fifth commandment (Ephesians 6:1-3). They are members of the covenant community, the church, by virtue of their having been given to believing parent(s), and therefore they have a right to the sign of the covenant.
In Colossians 2:11-12, Paul teaches us that circumcision has been replaced by baptism as the sign of cleansing and initiation into the covenant community. Thus as Abraham gave his sons the sign of circumcision, so we give our sons and daughters the sign of baptism.
Where is the outcry if suddenly, on the day of Pentecost, the children of believers, who had been a part of the covenant community that morning, were all of a sudden outside of it that evening? Especially in view of the fact that the covenant sign is given to more people in the New Covenant – females as well as males, Gentiles as well as Jews - it makes little sense that there would be a removal of it from children.
B. B. Warfield puts it succinctly in his article, “The Polemics of Infant Baptism” (1899). He writes, “The argument in a nutshell is simply this: God established His Church in the days of Abraham and put children into it. They must remain there until He puts them out. He has nowhere put them out. They are still then members of His Church and as such entitled to its ordinances. Among these ordinances is baptism, which standing in similar place in the New Dispensation [New Covenant] to circumcision in the Old, is like it to be given to children.”
Of course, we do not believe that baptism saves our children, or magically washes away their sins. Baptism is a sign, a picture, and many people who are baptized, whether as infants or as adults, have the sign but do not have the reality to which the sign points (just look at Ishmael and Esau in the old covenant, or Simon the magician in the new). Faith in Jesus Christ alone saves sinners.
The water of baptism signifies and symbolizes the blood of Christ, which washes believers clean from the guilt of original and actual sin, as well as the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, who cleanses believers throughout their lives from the corruption of sin. Baptism is a sign to and unto faith: it declares to those who have received it, “As surely as water washes away the filthiness of the body, so through faith in Christ you are washed with His blood and Spirit from the pollution of your soul – through faith you are forgiven of the guilt of sin, and are renewed by the Spirit of Christ to die unto sins and live unto righteousness.”
As our children grow up, they (and we!) are reminded of the gospel of grace every time they see someone else baptized (see Westminster Larger Catechism #167).
May the Lord be pleased to assure His people of our union with Jesus Christ, and may we draw strength from His death and resurrection for the killing of sin and the quickening of grace.
2. Financial Update
3. Children’s Choirs resume this Sunday evening.
Beginning this Sunday, September 20, children ages 4 years old-6th grade will be dismissed during evening worship to go to Children’s Choirs. At this time, masks will be required for singers. Registration is required for all singers. Click here to register.
Cherub Choir – 4 years old through 1st grade meets in the Outback Room in the Multi-Purpose Building (directed by Liz Taylor).
Praise Troop – 2nd-4th grades meet in the Choir Room #138 in the Education Building (directed by Margaret Sprow).
Covenant – 5th-6th grades meet on the second floor of the Education Building in Room #238 (directed by Laura Herbison).
4. Don’t forget to pay online for Wednesday night supper.
Boxed dinners for families will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria on a pre-order, pre-paid basis each week. If you plan to eat at church on Wednesday night, you need to fill out this registration form no later than the Monday night before it.
On the menu for Wednesday, September 23: Chicken Alfredo Pasta, vegetable medley, Caesar salad, garlic bread, dessert, and water.
If you need the nursery, please register here. You only need to register once. After that, please let Serena ( if you know you won’t be there.
5. Ladies, join your sisters to learn how to plug in and serve at POPC!
The Women's Ministry Leadership Team is excited to invite you to our Fall Fellowships! On September 24 and 26, you can attend Thursday evening Home Dessert Fellowships or Saturday morning Home Breakfast Fellowships at a time and location convenient to you.
Several small gatherings, limited to about twenty people per home, will replace the traditional Women’s Ministry Fall Luncheon normally held in August.
Come fellowship with other women and learn more about ways to plug into the life and ministries of POPC.
Click here to register. Spots are limited.
6. Come volunteer at the Sonbeams Olympics on September 26!
Ministry opportunities have perhaps felt to be in short supply during this pandemic. So don’t miss out on this upcoming chance to serve our Sonbeams families, special needs friends, and care givers!
We will be hosting our first ever “Sonbeams Olympics” on Saturday, September 26 from 3-5:30.
We will transform the football field into areas for water relays, “Banana Olympics”, chicken slingshot, trash can basketball, an obstacle course, and more.
We will have refreshments, worship in song, and a devotion.
No matter your age, ability, or expertise, we need volunteers to help:
Set up begining at 1:00 p.m.
Run the games
Visit and walk along with our friends and families as they play the games
Play the games with them if they need a partner
Hand out refreshments
Be “pray-ers” to pray for God to be present and on display, building His kingdom in the hearts and lives of us as well as in our special needs friends.
Contact Daphne Clark at if you can help.
7. Family Night Supper is Family Night Picnic for now.
On Sunday evening, September 27, we are resuming Family Night Supper in the Multi-Purpose Building.
But because of COVID, it won’t be a potluck. Each family will bring their own picnic dinner, drinks, dessert, and paper products/utensils.
We’ll be doing a Q/A with Pastors Caleb, Carl, and Dean, Dr. John Kwasny, and Mr. Wilson Van Hooser. Get your questions ready!
Masks will be required except while eating.
8. Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online!
Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Caleb is preaching on I Peter 5:12-14 in the morning.
Sonny Walker is preaching on 3 John in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here.
Your inbox is full and you have other ways to spend your time, so thanks for reading! Please share this with anyone you think may want to know what’s going on at POPC.
Quote: “The needful but much neglected duty of improving our baptism, is to be performed by us all our life long, especially in the time of temptation, and when we are present at the administration of it to others…” — Westminster Larger Catechism #167
Why it matters: The words above remind us that we are not to be passive spectators at baptism services. Rather, those who have been baptized are actively to “improve” (that is, use to good effect, turn to a profit) their baptisms. WLC #167 goes to tell us how we are to do this:
by serious and thankful consideration of the nature of it, and of the ends for which Christ instituted it, the privileges and benefits conferred and sealed thereby, and our solemn vow made therein; (Romans 6:3-5)
by being humbled for our sinful defilement, our falling short of, and walking contrary to, the grace of baptism, and our engagements; (I Corinthians 1:11-13; Romans 6:2-3)
by growing up to assurance of pardon of sin, and of all other blessings sealed to us in that sacrament; (Romans 4:11-12; I Peter 3:21)
by drawing strength from the death and resurrection of Christ, into whom we are baptized, for the mortifying of sin, and quickening of grace; (Romans 6:3-5)
and by endeavoring to live by faith, to have our conversation in holiness and righteousness, as those that have therein given up their names to Christ; and to walk in brotherly love, as being baptized by the same Spirit into one body. (Galatians 3:26-27; Romans 6:22; Acts 2:38; I Corinthians 12:13, 25-27)
One smile to go:
This is a $5 smart outlet from Amazon, and it gives me great happiness every evening. Through its accompanying app, I have set up a schedule for our back patio lights to turn on at 7:30 and off at 11:00 every evening, and I can control them from my phone. I know I’m late to the smart home party, but I didn’t realize until recently that home automation was so cheap to come by these days. We’re not the Jetsons yet, but I feel one step closer to my flying car every day.
We will be celebrating the Lord's Supper this Sunday
September 10, 2020
After a COVID hiatus of six months, we will finally be able to eat and drink the Lord’s Supper again on Sunday. It will feel a little different, though:
We will not be passing the communion trays down the rows. Instead the elders will walk down the unoccupied rows (or between the spaced-out rows in the Gym) with trays that contain a set of the communion elements (the bread will be in a cup, and the grape juice cup will be stacked on top of the bread cup). Each communicant will take a set of the elements from the tray, and together we will partake, first of the bread and then of the cup.
Our elders will be serving in both the Sanctuary and in the Gym. Though we are currently gathering in two locations on our property, we are one church, worshipping and communing as one body in Christ.
Sonbeams Olympics
POPC, we have the awesome opportunity to host our Sonbeams families, special needs friends, and care givers for our first ever “Sonbeams Olympics” on Saturday, September 26 from 3-5:30. We will transform the athletic field into areas for water relays, “Banana Olympics”, chicken slingshot, trash can basketball, an obstacle course, and more. We will have refreshments, worship in song, and a devotion. This is such an exciting time to offer our Sonbeamers an outside event for fun, fellowship, and refreshment of body and soul. No matter your age, ability, or expertise: We need volunteers to help: set up will begin at 1pm; help to run the games; visit and walk along with our friends and families as they play the games; play the games with them if they need a partner; hand out refreshments, and “prayers” to pray for God to be present and on display, building His kingdom in the hearts and lives of us as well as in our special needs friends. Let the games begin!
Click here to view the flyer.
— Daphne Clark
Sessional Decisions In Light of COVID 19 situation Changes
Brothers and sisters,
In light of the uptick in COVID cases and increased strains on our state’s hospital systems, and the executive order that is forthcoming from Governor Tate Reeves, your elders met this afternoon to discuss changes to our worship services and ministries. Please note the following:
1. Tomorrow, July 12, we strongly encourage you to wear masks. Masks will continue to be required only in the 8:30 a.m. gym service.
2. Effective Sunday, July 19, masks will be required in the gym and sanctuary at 8:30 a.m., and in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. (except for those 2 and under, and those with medical conditions that prohibit mask wearing); in the 11:00 a.m. gym service, masks will be optional. Masks will be required at evening worship. We will have masks on hand to give to those who do not have a mask with them.
3. For the time being, we will be reducing congregational singing in our worship services to lessen the risk of spreading COVID. Effective July 19, we will cancel Church time for ages 2-4, but we will continue to have a Nursery for those 2 and under.
4. Ministry gatherings during the week will be limited to 10 people inside and 20 people outside. Due to the timing of this email on a Saturday afternoon, it is likely that some will not see it until after this Sunday, July 12. We will continue to communicate these changes throughout this week. Please help spread the word to your fellow church members, and to those visitors who you know want to be present in worship. As always, we ask those who are sick, or who are at high risk of suffering greatly or dying if they catch this coronavirus, to stay home and watch our services by live stream. Please continue to pray for your elders to have wisdom and discernment, and please continue to do what you are able to do to preserve the health of our community. Let us continue to love one another, no matter where you fall in your assessment of this virus, its impact, and which precautions should be taken. This pandemic has caused us to lose much, but we know that God is sovereign over all loss, and so with Job we can say, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21). Let us prepare our hearts to gather before our King tomorrow on His day to bless His holy name.
In the King’s Service,
Pastor Caleb
7/2/20 Update
The Session decided this week to move more slowly into Phase 2 of our reopening Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church.
We will NOT be gathering for Sunday School or celebrating the Lord’s Supper in July as planned, but intend to do both on Sunday, August 2.
This Sunday, July 5, we will return to our normal two morning worship service times (8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.). We will meet in both the sanctuary and the gym at up to 50% capacity, so two service times means there will be smaller groups in each location.
Masks will be required in the 8:30 a.m. service in the gym. If the sanctuary reaches capacity during the 8:30 a.m. service, we will continue to use the gym as overflow. We will have masks available for those who do not have a mask with them.
Church Time for 2-4 year olds will begin again during both morning services for families who would like to make use of it.
Evening worship will continue to gather at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary only, utilizing 50% of its capacity.
We will still be live streaming our morning and evening worship services. If you have any symptoms of a virus, or are at high risk of grave illness if you catch this virus, please stay home and worship with us online.
We plan to return to worship on May 31
Click here to read the letter from Pastor Caleb about returning to worship.
VBS Update
Dear POPC Family:
This is typically about the time I write a couple of very engaging, witty, provocative emails to encourage (lovingly pressure) as many of you as possible to volunteer for the best week of the year, Vacation Bible School!
But, as we all know, 2020 has been a year unlike any other. We have all had many losses throughout these last few months that have deeply grieved us. So, sad to say, I am announcing yet another: We will not be having VBS this year.
In consultation with the pastoral staff, it has become clearer to me that, even though our VBS is in mid-July, it is just not feasible to go ahead with it this summer. To sum up our thinking: If gathering again for worship is our Phase One of our campaign to “Making POPC Great Again,” then VBS is really a Phase Three event. And since Phase One doesn’t begin until May 31 (Lord willing), we just don’t have the time to get to Phase Three. We still need to progress to having on-site evening worship, Sunday School, etc. (Phase Two), before we could/should safely and wisely move on to something as significant as Vacation Bible School. Having hundreds of children, youth, and adults on campus for five days in a row is just too big of a leap in such a short time. Hopefully, this makes sense to you—it does to me, even though I don’t like it at all! VBS is truly my favorite week of the church year!
I also want you to know that Kristi Clark (VBS Director) and Adelle Johnson (Asst. VBS Director), as well as the Children’s Ministry Team are in full support of this decision, yet are deeply saddened too. When all the other churches in our area were cancelling VBS, we were looking forward to giving children and families an opportunity here at POPC. Kristi and Adelle were already hard at work recruiting and planning. I so appreciate them being on my team! Again, Kristi and Adelle are especially grieved, but they understand the decision.
So, we will look forward to VBS 2021, and hopefully witness God restore what the coronavirus locust has eaten. Of course, that means—NO EXCUSES FOR NOT VOLUNTEERING NEXT YEAR!
In the meantime, if you are a parent of one our covenant children, continue discipling your child(ren) at home! We look forward to having them back in Sunday School and our other POPC discipleship ministries as soon as possible!
Love in Christ,
John C. Kwasny
Director of Discipleship Ministries
POPC Weekly Update: May 14, 2020
“The best way of casting out an impure affection is to admit a pure one; and by the love of what is good, to expel the love of what is evil. Thus it is, that the freer the Gospel, the more sanctifying is the Gospel; and the more it is received as a doctrine of grace, the more will it be felt as a doctrine according to godliness.”
— See who said this and why it matters at the bottom.
1. From the Pastor’s study…
As you will see below, we are planning for a Phase 1 return to gathered corporate worship on May 31! I am excited, and ready to have you all back in the assembly with us who have been leading. On that day, it will have been eleven Lord’s Days that worship has been only on live stream. And for many of you, whether because of your age, your health, or your assessment of the risks, it may be many more Lord’s Days yet to come.
As I have been thinking about our return, It has been striking to me to see how divided our already-divided country has been in its approach to this virus.
We Americans at times seem to look at different sets of facts, through different grids to interpret those facts, with different priorities and different prescriptions as we think about moving forward in the midst of this pandemic.
And unfortunately, it feels like our views are often in line with the particular cable news channel or particular news websites we frequent, so that this virus has only served to amplify our polarizations.
My desire for our congregation is that we would remain unified in love even if we don’t see eye to eye on all aspects of this novel coronavirus or the reopening process. I’ve been coming back often to Romans 14 as I’ve been praying about our return.
In this passage, Paul is addressing some people who eat all foods, and some who eat only vegetables; some observe Jewish festivals, and some do not (14:2, 5). Similarly today, some wear masks, and some do not wear masks; some will feel free to gather for worship, and some will feel that it is too risky to gather for worship at the present time.
Paul’s primary concern is not that they all think or do the same thing, but that they accept one another, love one another, build up one another, and refuse to judge one another or disdain one another (14:1, 3, 10, 13). “All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor” (I Corinthians 10:23-24).
Each one of us serves the Lord God as Master (14:4, 8); each one of us will give an account of ourselves before God (14:10-12); Christ died for each one of us (14:9, 15); each one of us must be fully convinced in our own mind of our position on these matters of conscience (14:5, 22-23); each one of us must live for the Lord and for the good of the church (14:6-8, 19-21).
May the Lord grant us the wisdom and ability to “do all to the glory of God,” and to “please all men in all things, not seeking our own profit but the profit of the many, so that they may be saved” (I Corinthians 10:31-33).
2. Lord willing, we plan to return to worship on May 31.
The Session voted this week to plan to gather together again for corporate worship on May 31, and immediately to allow on-campus ministries to resume in accordance with the Governor's order (10
or fewer participants inside, and 20 or fewer participants outside).
Our plan: As our state is reopening in phases, so also we will resume gathered corporate worship in phases. Here’s what Phase 1 will look like (more details will be sent out to you next week):
We will have a single morning worship at 10:00 a.m. using up to 50% capacity in our sanctuary and up to 50% capacity in our gym (the live stream will be shown in the gym on the screens), following distancing guidelines in our seating as families.
Evening worship will continue only to be live streamed.
There will be limited Nursery, no Sunday School, and no Church Time.
Our caution: We will be taking steps to ensure that our coming together is as safe and healthy as possible, so we ask you to use common sense and love and respect one another in your fellowship. If you would like to wear a mask, please do so. We recognize that our plans may need to change if circumstances worsen, so we will be monitoring to see if we need to postpone our resumption of gathered corporate worship.
Our encouragement: Please return to corporate worship when you feel it is wisest for you and your family, and if you are sick or at high risk please continue to join us from home via our live stream.
3. Welcome, Ashley Biggs!
Ashley Biggs is coming on board as our new Assistant Youth Director on May 18!
Ashley is the daughter of Mike and Janna Biggs (Mike is a former RUF Campus Minister and current PCA pastor in Norman, Oklahoma) and the sister of Stephen Biggs (the current Director of Students and Families at FPC Jackson). Ashley’s the sixth of seven children.
She recently graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelor of Fine Art degree in Graphic Design. Ashley enjoys painting, cooking, and being around people.
She has worked with youth at College Hill Presbyterian Church in Oxford, MS, and Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC, so we’re excited for her to arrive and begin her ministry among us.
Pray for her as she transitions onto our staff and into the lives of our young ladies.
4. April financial update —
Praise God for His incredibly generosity through you His people in April!
In spite of jobs lost, hours cut, and a down stock market, you gave sacrificially and faithfully to continue our church’s ministry and our support of other ministries and missionaries.
Please continue to give your tithes and offerings, whether in person, in the mail, or online.
Don’t forget about the Education Building Fund - as soon as the balance reaches $115,000, through our monthly payments and your gifts, an anonymous donor family will retire the debt through CCS in gratitude for the unity of the church and school in kingdom ministry.
5. We’re planning for VBS!
If you are able to volunteer for VBS, please contact Kristi Clark at or Adelle Johnson at to join us for the best week of the year!
6. For your weekend reading and watching…
Each week we’re posting on our blog, Notes From the Orchard. Check out these contributions from our staff:
The Shortest but Most Encouraging Blog You’ll Read This Week, by Wilson Van Hooser (5/8/20)
Some Thoughts on Returning to Public Worship, by Caleb Cangelosi (5/11/20)
Love and Unity, by Dean Williams (5/14/20)
The teaching series on Depression is also available online.
7. Worship with us this Lord’s Day
We’re continuing to live-stream our worship services this Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Caleb is preaching on I Peter 1:13-21 in the morning.
Pastor Carl is preaching on Proverbs 9 in the evening.
Important links:
Download the Sunday bulletins.
8. Sound Technician Needed
As we continue to seek to live stream our worship services with excellence, we are in need of four more volunteers to assist Rick Goodwin and our Sound Team.
Formerly, one person has been able to run sound for our worship services. But since we now have to mix sound for the room and for the live stream, we need two people to work each Sunday.
No experience is necessary - you only need to be 16 or older and have a servant’s heart and commitment, and Rick can teach you how to use the equipment.
For more information, email Rick Goodwin ( and read this description of the work.
Thanks for reading! Your time is valuable, so I’m thankful for letting us have some of it.
1 covered smile to go: Lord willing, by the time we return to gathered corporate worship, our new porte cochere will be complete! It’s higher and longer than the old one, and now covers our handicapped ramp - we’re excited about being able to shelter more people more effectively on rainy days. It’s been nearly a year since our north entrance was closed, so it will be nice to have that door available to us again, and not to have the eyesore of destruction/construction on our property.
Take out: The Gourmet Takery will continue to feed you and your neighbors through May and June.
Quote: “The best way of casting out an impure affection is to admit a pure one; and by the love of what is good, to expel the love of what is evil. Thus it is, that the freer the Gospel, the more sanctifying is the Gospel; and the more it is received as a doctrine of grace, the more will it be felt as a doctrine according to godliness.” — Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847)
Why it matters: Chalmers’ sermon “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection” is a must read as we seek to live holy lives by the grace of God. My sermon this Lord’s Day is about the motivations for our pursuit of godliness - and the foundational motivation must be the grace of our holy God who has sent his Son to die for our sins and to redeem us from every lawless deed. The more love you have for Christ, the less love you will have for sin - so pray that God would fan into flame your affections for Him!