Orphan Care Sunday

Please join Moses’ Basket on November 6 in remembering those we are called to care for by participating in Orphan Care Sunday. Moses' Basket will be collecting monetary donations
during Sunday School throughout November to raise funds for respite nights they will be hosting for Foster parents throughout the year. Funds will go towards providing food and activities for these events. There will also be a table set up on the first floor of the education building to distribute orphan prayer cards as well as to receive monetary donations on November 6 and 13.

Short-term mission trip opportunity

On June 16-24 Pear Orchard will be taking a short-term mission team to Trujillo, Peru to work with Peru Mission. There will be an interest meeting on Sunday, November 6th at 5:00 p. m. in the CCS library (Room 322) of the educational building. This meeting is open to all, but we also hope to work in the clinic there, so if you have a medical background, please prayerfully consider this opportunity. Contact Ford Franklin by email jfordfranklin@gmail.com with any questions.

Women's Monthly Bible Studies

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, November 1 at 9:45 a.m. in the parlor! They will be studying Chapter 9 of Bad Girls of the Bible. Afterwards, they will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please bring a sack lunch. Tabitha Circle will meet Tuesday, November 8, at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Frances Smith. Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, November 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Kacky Darnall. Please contact Amy Hatchett (601-832-4041; amy@hatchettfamily.com) for directions.

Sonbeams Night Out

POPC's Sonbeams Ministry is offering a Sonbeams Night Out for parents of special needs children and their siblings, as well as adults with special needs, on Friday, November 11, from 6:30-9:00 p.m. It’s 80’s night! Please call Nancy Hulsey at 601-898-0668 if you would like to volunteer to help with this wonderful ministry.


As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, non- clear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!


The PCA’s Mission to North America (MNA) is coordinating disaster relief in the greater Baton Rouge Area. POPC is sending teams of interested church members as long as the need exists. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for a weekend trip. Baton Rouge is relatively close and the opportunities for service are great. If you are interested in volunteering and are at least 15 years old, please email Jeff Gamblin for more information (jrgamblin@gmail.com). Also, please visit http://pcamna.org/disaster-response/ to register as a volunteer, to receive updates and to give financially.

POPC Youth Information

POPC Youth Fall Retreat

Our annual youth Fall Retreat is approaching fast! It will be November 11-13 at Central Hills Baptist Retreat Center. The Fall Retreat is a great time of fellowship, fun, and study of God’s Word. Rev. Kurt Cooper, the youth pastor from Trinity Pres. in Montgomery, AL, will be our speaker for the weekend. He will teach on the book of Jonah. Please bring a $50 deposit by October 5 to secure your spot. Total cost: $110. Don't let money be the reason not to come! Contact John Perritt at jperritt@pearorchard.org for scholarship information. Please lift this retreat in prayer, as students will be hearing the Word multiple times throughout the weekend.


Fun Family Opportunity!

CCS Fall into Fun October 6 ~ 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
This year's Fall Into Fun will be held on October 6, from 5:00-7:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Building and the surrounding grounds. This annual fall event is a fundraiser for CCS and a POPC family favorite. A few of the activities planned for this year's Fall Into Fun include: a silent auction, raffle, giant inflatables, rock wall climbing, face painting, creative competitions, and more!  Burger and Blues will have food available for purchase.  If you would like to provide baked goods for the Sweet Shop, please contact April Gutierrez at 278-3543 or aprilgutierrez@me.com.  Your participation with Fall Into Fun is a wonderful way to support the work the Lord is doing at CCS!  

Please click here for more information or download the invitation here.

Peru Mission Trip Opportunity

On June 16-24, 2017, POPC is taking a short term mission team again to Trujillo, Peru. This trip will be primarily a medical mission trip, and we hope to take 10-12 people. Ford Franklin, who spent nine months in Trujillo, will be leading the team down to Peru. If you are interested in learning more about the trip, join us on Sunday, October 16, at 5:00 p.m. in the CCS Library (third floor of the education building).


LORD’S SUPPER NEXT SUNDAY: Please be in prayer and prepare your heart this week for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper next Sunday in worship.

SANCTUARY DEDICATION SERVICES are set for next Sunday, October 2, in the morning. Please prepare your hearts for celebrating services of thanksgiving to our gracious God for His gifts.

THE MUSIC MINISTRY invites you to sing in the Christmas Choir. We rehearse in the Choir Room (138) on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. from October 5 through December 14. The Lessons and Carols Service will be on December 18 at both morning services. Please contact Margaret Sprow, margaret@pearorchard.org, for more information.

LADIES MONTHLY BIBLE STUDIES FOR OCTOBER: Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, October 4 at 9:45 a.m. in the library (Room 127). They will be studying Chapter 8 of Bad Girls of the Bible. Tabitha Circle will meet Tuesday, October 11, at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Frances Smith (104 Sandalwood Drive, Madison; 601-898-3523). Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Micki Smith (724 Wood Gate Drive, Madison, 601-672-2513). Please contact Amy Hatchett (601-832-4041; amy@hatchettfamily.com) for directions.

YOUTH MISSION TRIP: Are you coming on the Yakama Mission Trip for summer 2017? Your application and $100 deposit are due TODAY. Please turn it in to Molly.

GREATER BATON ROUGE FLOOD RELIEF SHORT TERM MISSIONS OPPORTUNITY: The PCA’s Mission to North America (MNA) is coordinating disaster relief in the greater Baton Rouge Area. POPC is sending teams of interested church members as long as the need exists. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for a weekend trip. Baton Rouge is relatively close and the opportunities for service are great. If you are interested in volunteering and are at least 15 years old, please email Jeff Gamblin for more information (jrgamblin@gmail.com). Also, please visit http://pcamna.org/disaster-response/ to register as a volunteer, to receive updates and to give financially.

GOOD NEWS! The 55+ Bible Study lunch will return to Room 127 in the school Wednesday, September 28!

AN AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION HEARTSAVER CPR/AED CLASS is being offered to the deacons and those serving on the Sonbeams ministry on Saturday, October 15, from 8:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. The cost to attend is $15. Class size is limited. Please contact Stephanie Price at stephaniemprice@yahoo.com or 601-540-8747 if you are interested in attending.

IT IS TIME TO GET READY FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL POPC FALL FELLOWSHIP! The event will be Friday, October 28, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. If you would like to host a game, make cupcakes, or donate candy, please email Megan Adcock at meganadcock81@gmail.com or sign up in Sunday school.

YOUTH FALL RETREAT: Our youth Fall Retreat is November 11-13 at Central Hills Baptist Retreat Center. The speaker for the weekend is Rev. Kurt Cooper from Trinity Pres. in Montgomery, AL. We will study the book of Jonah. A $50 deposit is due Wednesday, October 5. Total cost: $110. Don't let money be the reason you don't come! For scholarship information contact John at jperritt@pearorchard.org.

OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP HAS BEGUN: Opportunities for fellowship, growth and ministry for all ages begin with dinner at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. The following will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Catechism instruction led by John Kwasny for 4 yrs. through 6th grade, youth group Bible studies, Sanctuary Choir rehearsal, Women's Bible study taught by Tammie Haynes on I Peter, a study led by Pastoral Intern Alex Wright on John Perritt's new book Your Days Are Numbered, and an Inquirers' Class (beginning Sept. 7) taught by Pastor Carl. Registration for meals, nursery and women's Bible study is required (see Wednesday night fellowship page)

WE ARE SO GRATEFUL for all of the supplies that have been donated for children taken into custody through Madison Co. DHS. The collection bin will be in the children's ministry office through the end of September. Moses’ Basket will purchase small suitcases and backpacks and Bibles. Gently used or new small suitcases/backpacks, children’s Bibles (Jesus Storybook Bible), and the following hygiene items for kids and teens are needed: toothpaste, dental floss, soap/body wash, shampoo/conditioner, hairbrush/comb/pick, hair items for girls (rubber bands, clips, headbands), lotion, facial wash for teens. Contact Betsy Denny (601-672-7695) or Estelle Sones (601-941-5902) with questions. Feel free to spread the word throughout the community.

POPC FACEBOOK: If you have "liked" us on Facebook (Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church), we encourage you to like, comment, or share our status updates. This will help us get the word out with reminders about upcoming ministries and events, as well as increase the likelihood that our status updates will appear in your newsfeed.

WOMEN IN PRAYER: Ladies meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month, in the office of Tammie Haynes, from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Ladies gather together to pray for our church staff and ministries, as well as the Body of Christ at POPC and the missionaries we support.