Christmas Eve Service

Our annual Christmas Eve communion service will take place in the Multi-Purpose building at 4:30 p.m., on December 24. There is a nursery for children 2 years and under in the nursery building. As always at this service we will receive an offering that goes exclusively to our Deacon's mercy fund which enables your officers to meet many needs throughout the year for families needing assistance, both inside and outside our congregation. Your sacrificial support of this offering enables us to display joyfully the loving and merciful diaconal heart of our Savior Jesus.

Nursery Notes

As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, nonclear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!

Moses Basket Announcement

Thank you so much for your generous giving in the month of November in honor of Orphan Sunday. Over $800 was given to buy supplies and food for the foster kids who will attend Connect 4 here at POPC this spring (foster family respite events). We are excited to welcome these families to our church! We will need volunteers from our congregation to help care for and entertain the kids (it will be similar to Sonbeams Night Out). If you are interested in helping on February 10th and/or April 8th, please email

Poinsettia Orders

Poinsettia Orders benefiting Palmer Home for Children: If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia for the Christmas Eve worship service, please complete an order form located near the entrances, and place in the offering plate. The cost is $18.00. Orders must be placed by December 4. You may get your poinsettia after the service on December 24. From the Palmer Home for Children website: Grown in the Hope Grows greenhouses at Palmer Home for Children, each poinsettia purchase you make will go toward rescuing and restoring children who have had their childhoods stripped away, providing them with a home and a family this holiday season.


As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, nonclear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!

Outreach Opportunity

We welcome everyone to join us for a neighborhood Meet & Greet this Thursday, Nov. 10 at Friendship Park off of Lake Harbour Dr. From 4-6p, we will be grilling hot dogs and initiating conversations with families at the park. As Pear Orchard seeks to better serve our neighbors around our church, this is a great opportunity to know in order to love. Come get to know folks around our community! Please contact intern Alex Wright ( for more info, or to volunteer supplies (hotdogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, paper plates,charcoal and lighter fluid)


Orphan Care Sunday

Please join Moses’ Basket on November 6 in remembering those we are called to care for by participating in Orphan Care Sunday. Moses' Basket will be collecting monetary donations
during Sunday School throughout November to raise funds for respite nights they will be hosting for Foster parents throughout the year. Funds will go towards providing food and activities for these events. There will also be a table set up on the first floor of the education building to distribute orphan prayer cards as well as to receive monetary donations on November 6 and 13.

Short-term mission trip opportunity

On June 16-24 Pear Orchard will be taking a short-term mission team to Trujillo, Peru to work with Peru Mission. There will be an interest meeting on Sunday, November 6th at 5:00 p. m. in the CCS library (Room 322) of the educational building. This meeting is open to all, but we also hope to work in the clinic there, so if you have a medical background, please prayerfully consider this opportunity. Contact Ford Franklin by email with any questions.

Women's Monthly Bible Studies

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, November 1 at 9:45 a.m. in the parlor! They will be studying Chapter 9 of Bad Girls of the Bible. Afterwards, they will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please bring a sack lunch. Tabitha Circle will meet Tuesday, November 8, at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Frances Smith. Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, November 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Kacky Darnall. Please contact Amy Hatchett (601-832-4041; for directions.

Sonbeams Night Out

POPC's Sonbeams Ministry is offering a Sonbeams Night Out for parents of special needs children and their siblings, as well as adults with special needs, on Friday, November 11, from 6:30-9:00 p.m. It’s 80’s night! Please call Nancy Hulsey at 601-898-0668 if you would like to volunteer to help with this wonderful ministry.


As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, non- clear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!


The PCA’s Mission to North America (MNA) is coordinating disaster relief in the greater Baton Rouge Area. POPC is sending teams of interested church members as long as the need exists. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for a weekend trip. Baton Rouge is relatively close and the opportunities for service are great. If you are interested in volunteering and are at least 15 years old, please email Jeff Gamblin for more information ( Also, please visit to register as a volunteer, to receive updates and to give financially.

POPC Youth Information

POPC Youth Fall Retreat

Our annual youth Fall Retreat is approaching fast! It will be November 11-13 at Central Hills Baptist Retreat Center. The Fall Retreat is a great time of fellowship, fun, and study of God’s Word. Rev. Kurt Cooper, the youth pastor from Trinity Pres. in Montgomery, AL, will be our speaker for the weekend. He will teach on the book of Jonah. Please bring a $50 deposit by October 5 to secure your spot. Total cost: $110. Don't let money be the reason not to come! Contact John Perritt at for scholarship information. Please lift this retreat in prayer, as students will be hearing the Word multiple times throughout the weekend.