Class of 2017 Youth Senior Banquet

APRIL 15, 2017

Our youth Senior Banquet for the graduating class of 2017 is Wednesday, April 26 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building. We will have a $5 all-you-can-eat Penn's Catfish buffet and a program honoring our seniors afterwards. Seniors and their parents eat free. If you are a member of the congregation with a connection to one of the seniors, feel free to join us! Let Molly know at

Parent Orientation & Youth Preview Night

APRIL 11, 2017

Parent Orientation and Youth Preview Night: The Youth Ministry invites 6th graders and their parents to a two night parent orientation and youth preview. Your 6th grader will have the opportunity to see what a Sunday night Shazam and a Wednesday night Rendezvous program is like tonight and April 12. Tonight, both student and parent programs will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose building and conclude before evening worship. This Wednesday, April 12, your student can come to the gym after they grab food from the cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. Parent Orientation will begin at 6:15 p.m. that night. Our Wednesday night program will end at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, contact Wilson at

Missions Monday: China Partnership

Missions Monday: China Partnership

The China Partnership, a coalition of 40 churches from different denominations, has been working for 13 years to assist with church planting in China. In 2011, the group began offering two day seminars called Gospel DNA. With more than 1,200 Chinese pastors trained, the seminars have had a profound impact and are spreading rapidly, with trained pastors now training others. 

Please keep China Partnership and the other missionaries we support in your prayers!

Camp Outback

Camp Outback is Christ Covenant School's summer program, it is fast-paced and packed with fun age-appropriate activities daily! CCS students enrolled for the 2017/2018 academic year and POPC members whose children are age 3 (by 1/1/17) through rising 6th graders are welcome!  We are open M - F 7:30 to 5:30 May 30 to August 9.  You may drop your child off at Camp Outback any time before 4:00 p.m.  Late fees apply if you pick up your child after 5:30 p.m. ($1 a minute from 5:30 - 5:40, $2 / min. from 5:40-5:50 / $3 a min. from 5:50 - 6:00, etc.) Visit the website for more information.

Easter Lily Orders

APRIL 5, 2017

Would you like to order an Easter lily for Easter morning worship? You may do
so by completing the form found near the entrances and placing in the offering plate. The cost is $18.00 and orders must be received by next Sunday, April 9. Lilies may be picked up after 11 a.m. service.

Youth Preview for 6th graders and their parents

The Youth Ministry invites 6th graders and their parents to a two night parent orientation and youth preview. Your 6 th grader will have the opportunity to see what a Sunday night Shazam and a Wednesday night Rendezvous program is like on April 9 and 12. On April 9 both student and parent programs will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose building. On April 12 your student can come to the gym after they grab food from the cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. Parent Orientation will begin at 6:15 that night. Our Wednesday night program will end at 7:30. If you have any questions, contact Wilson at

Missions Monday: CEF/Cheryl Reese

APRIL 2, 2017

Missions Monday: POPC Supports Child Evangelism Fellowship. Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-Centered organization composed of believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to disciple them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. Cheryl Reese, POPC member, is a local Ministry Coordinator for CEF. Please pray for Cheryl and CEF! To learn more, visit their website

Covenant Choir & Praise Troop to go on the road

MARCH 29, 2017

On April 29 – 30, Covenant’s Spring Tour will take them to Palmer Home in Columbus, MS and the Barnes’ Barn and Caroline Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. Praise Troop will sing in worship at First Presbyterian Church and in a local nursing home in Yazoo City, MS on April 30. Please pray that the Lord would work through these events that we may worship Him and He may be glorified. Soli Deo Gloria!

Missions Spotlight: Centre for Christian Missions (Zambia)

MARCH 28, 2017

Weekly Missions Spotlight: POPC supports Centre for Christian Missions in Zambia. The Centre for Christian Missions exists to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ worldwide through evangelism, disciple making, and social action ministries. They provide biblical training through their Trust School, Bible College and Theological Seminary. Please pray for them! To learn more, you can visit their website.

Women's Monthly Bible Studies times/locations for April

MARCH 24, 2017

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, April 4 at 9:45 a.m. in the parlor. They will begin by making birthday cards for Sonbeams. Tammie Haynes will be introducing the new study "From Fearful to Faithful - What Peter learned from Christ". Tabitha Circle will meet Tuesday, April 11, at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Frances Smith. Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Cindy Fox. Please contact Amy (601-832-4041; for directions. 

Against the Flow this weekend

This weekend, March 24-26, we have 62 students and chaperones that will be going to Twin Lakes for the youth's annual spring retreat, Against the Flow. Our speaker for the weekend is Ande Johnson, the RUF campus minister from LSU. Students will hear the Word preached 4 times over the weekend. Pray for our speaker as he prepares and for the hearts of our students. Pray that lives would be changed and that God would grow the seeds that are planted and watered!

Women's Retreat

Please plan to join your POPC sisters at this year's Women's Retreat, March 31-April 1, in the Multi-Purpose building. Our theme is "Steadfast Make My Willing Heart". The cost is $30 and the registration deadline is Sunday, March 26. To register, please fill out a form and attach a check made payable to POPC with "women's retreat" on the memo line. Forms are in Sunday School classes, in the church foyer and at our church website - where you will find the retreat schedule and more information. Contact Tammie Haynes at if you have food allergies or questions.

Missions Monday: Center for Pregnancy Choices

Monday, March 20, 2017

POPC supports Center for Pregnancy Choices! Please pray for them. The Center for Pregnancy Choices provides a variety of free and confidential services including pregnancy tests, information about abortion and alternatives, pregnancy & fetal development information, free limited sonograms, maternity and baby clothes, classes on fertility appreciation, parenting education, post-abortion counseling, and support groups. For more information, visit

Youth Reading Challenge information

To encourage our students to read, we've split our youth into teams this semester for a youth-wide reading challenge. They can get points by reading anything from theological books to their school books. Team two is in the lead! Here's a hidden challenge: Pastor Caleb recommends Putting Amazing Back into Grace by Michael Horton. If you read this book, you will receive 3,000 points for your team. Check the youth lounge wall for more hidden challenges.

CCS Enrollment has begun!

CCS enrollment has begun! Our enrollment process is completely online. Applications, for new students, and reenrollment can be completed on the CCS website. POPC funds a scholarship that is available to members who desire a Christ-centered education but need financial assistance. Please contact our Admissions Director, Martha Maxey, or call 601-978-2272 with questions.