Spiritual Growth Ministries (Bible Studies and Prayer)
All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever. I Peter 1:24
Like the disciples, are you longing to pray more biblically, fervently, and faithfully? Are you wondering why you lack joy in your walk with the LORD? Do you need wisdom for godly living in your day to day life and relationships? God, in His Word, speaks His truth to these questions. We will be addressing these questions and more in our different small group weekly and monthly studies. So, come join in fellowship with your POPC sisters around the Word of God. On a weekly basis, we will be looking deep into the heart and mind of God concerning prayer, joy, and wisdom.
Things to Remember
*You are invited to visit or join a Bible study at any time during the year! The opportunity to study God’s Word with your sisters in Christ is a gift to YOU. Please contact Tammie Haynes at thaynes@pearorchard.org if you have any questions about what study may be best suited to you.
*If you are unable to participate in a Bible study, but would like to purchase a book, please contact Tammie.
*We never want anyone to stay away because of money concerns. A confidential book scholarship is available for those experiencing financial difficulty by contacting Tammie.
*All of our Wednesday Bible studies offer childcare.
*Bring a friend! Friends who are not members of POPC are welcome to attend.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Ladies, join us for a Bible Study! There are several to choose from to fit your schedule.
Monday Evening Study - I and II Thessalonians
August 24 - November 23, at 7pm
Led by Jackie Shelt in her home.
To sign up or ask questions about this study, jackieleeshelt@gmail.com.
You may purchase the book, Let’s Study 1 & 2 Thessalonians, by Andrew W. Young, from Amazon, the PCA bookstore (pcabookstore.com), or your favorite vendor. Masks are optional at this Bible study.
Wednesday Morning Study - The J Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, by Paul Miller
September 9 - December 9, 9:30-11:15 in the sanctuary
Led by Jeanie Kalberkamp, Margaret Sprow, and Daphne Clark
Nursery and Homeschool Study Hall provided by registration (email slucas@ccs.ms with names and ages of your children).
To register or for more information, email Doreen Slater
at doreen@theslaterhouse.net
You may purchase the book, The J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, by Paul Miller, from Amazon or your favorite vendor. For all on campus studies, masks are required until further notice.
Wednesday Evening Study - Revelation
September 9-November 18, 6:15-7:30 pm, in the parlor
Led by Tammie Haynes.
To register for the study or for more information, contact Tammie Haynes at thaynes@ccs.ms. For all on campus studies, masks are required until further notice. You may purchase the Knowing the Bible – Revelation, A 12-Week Study, by Stephen Witmer from Amazon or your favorite vendor.
Thursday Morning Study - Revelation
September 10-December 10, 9:30 - 11:15 in the parlor
Led by Tammie Haynes.
Nursery up to age 4 provided (email slucas@ccs.ms to register with names & ages of your children)
To register for the study or for more information, email thaynes@ccs.ms. For all on campus studies, masks are required until further notice. You may purchase the Knowing the Bible – Revelation, A 12-Week Study, by Stephen Witmer from Amazon or your favorite vendor.
Ruth Circle (not meeting right now due to COVID-19)
· Second Tuesday evening of every month in different homes from 6:30-8:00 pm.
· Email Amy Hatchett amy@hatchettfamily.com for more information.