Sunday school AUDIO RECORDINGS, VIDEO RECORDINGS, and Powerpoint slides

The End Time Views taught by Dean Williams

Week 1: Intro

Week 3: Prophecy & Apocalyptic

Week 4: Apocalyptic Literature

Week 5: Preterism Intro

Week 8: Preterism to PP

Week 9: Postmill Intro

Job Adult Sunday School Class, taught by John Kwasny



2020 Summer Adult Sunday School Videos

Christian Living 101, Puritan-style
Teachers: Wilson Van Hooser and Josh Beck

Description: What does it mean to be a Christian? What would mature Christians teach us about how to live life with Jesus? The Puritans were known for their mature Christianity. Their writings are so influential that they are still mass published today. The Puritans have a lot to teach us about how to live the Christian life. Maybe you've heard about the Puritans. Maybe you're a new Christian. Maybe you've been a Christian for several years. Maybe you've read a lot of the Puritans! Regardless of where you are, this is a class for you on how to live life with Jesus.

Lesson 1: Why We Need the Puritans

Lesson 2: Puritan Profile: Thomas Goodwin

Lesson 3: How the Puritans Approached Work

Lesson 4: How the Puritans Viewed Marriage and Sex

Lesson 5: How the Puritans Approached Money

Lesson 6: How the Puritans Raised Their Families

Lesson 7: How the Puritans Viewed Preaching

Lesson 8: How the Puritans Viewed Church and Worship

Lesson 9: How the Puritans Viewed The Bible

Lesson 10: How the Puritans Viewed Education

Lesson 11: How the Puritans Viewed Social Action

Lesson 12: The Pitfalls of the Puritans / Where the Puritans Went Awry

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Teachers: Ken Haynes, with contributions from Tammie Haynes

Description:  In today’s world, many of us are confused and often wrong about the nature and roles of men and women; but the Creator God is not!  What are the influences that shape the way you think about the differences between men and women?  Is God just one of many influences, or is He THE reference point?  We will study and discuss God’s distinctive design for men and women in all stages of life (hint, not just in marriage!), so that we can honor, celebrate, and live in godly relationships with one another.

Lesson 1: Introduction - Genesis 1

Lesson 2: Genesis 2: Creation of All

Lesson 3: Genesis 2: Creation of Man & Woman Detailed

Lesson 4: Genesis 3:1-13: Attack on Paradise

Lesson 5: Genesis 3:14-21: Judgement, Curses and the Gospel

Lesson 6: Ephesians: Identity in Christ

Lesson 7: Ephesians: Walking in Christ

Lesson 8: CBMW Danvers and Nashville Statements

Lesson 9: 1 Timothy 2:8-15 -- The role of women in the worship of God and the order of the church

Lesson 10: Men & Women in corporate worship in the PCA

Bad Christian Books

Teacher: John C. Kwasny

Description:  An important part of a Christian’s growth in grace and Christlikeness is the reading and study of Christian books.  Unfortunately, not all Christian books are created equal.  Some are filled with bad theology or even outright heresy.  Others are just fluff with little Biblical nutritional value.  Yet bad Christian books are bought by millions of Christians every year.  This class will examine 13 bad Christian bestsellers, seeking to give a Biblical analysis and critique.  The goal is not to just be critical of certain authors and their work, but to become more discerning and wise as Christians in our sanctification.

Lesson 1: Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Lesson 2: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

Lesson 3: The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile

Lesson 4: Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Lesson 5: Lies We Believe About God by William Paul Young

Lesson 6: Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Lesson 7: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Lesson 8: Love Wins by Rob Bell

Lesson 9: When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner

Lesson 10: God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines

Lesson 11: Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Lesson 12: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren