Women’s summer OPPORTUNITIES

Consider the Lilies- Art for Rest, Worship, and Play, with Leslie Milam

The same class is offered twice, so you have two options to choose from:

June 12: 10:00-11:30 a.m.

July 25: 6:00-7:30 p.m.

In the Cafeteria (Note the location change) or women ages 12 and up; Cost - $10; Registration required.
This class is for any level and will include a short drawing lesson and the opportunity to make a mixed media collage. Art making is a way to slow down and notice God’s creation which helps us rest and worship. We’ll be using colored pencils, acrylics, inks, oil pastels, watercolor, glue, scissors, & more! This is a great way to spend time with
your daughter, granddaughter, or both! Minimum of 6 students and maximum of 30. Cost: $10 Registration is required.

Register here for June 12 from 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Register here for July 25 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Consider the Puritans, with Phylis Findley

June 20 and 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Come to one or both!)
June 20 is at the home of Estelle Sones. June 27 is at the home of Cindy McMullin.

Includes a light salad supper and dessert. Registration is required; no cost. "Puritans settling in the Massachusetts Bay Colony considered it to be a “city on a hill,” a place where God’s law and God’s grace pervaded the government and the home. Anne Bradstreet, wife of one of the colony’s early governors, wrote meditations about her faith and her family. Her sensitive, contemplative poetry speaks of the joys and trials of everyday life in the wilderness of America, all enfolded in her faith. In this study, we’ll talk about the early Puritan saints, read a sampling of Bradstreet’s poems (“To My Dear and Loving Husband” and “Upon the Burning of Our House”), and consider the Puritan faith reflected in them. I think you’ll find much in common with this humble poet!"

Register here for June 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Estelle Sones’s home.

Register here for June 27 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Cindy McMullin’s home.

Cook-a-thon with Linda Morris, in the Cafeteria

Saturday, July 13, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Come spend a morning cooking and fellowshipping with other women. The cost is $120 for 8 items, some main dishes and some side dishes, that will feed a family of 4-6, with some items for your freezer.  Bring nothing but an apron and cooler to take your items home; everything else will be provided. For questions, contact Linda Morris at 601-573-8658 or lscmorris53@gmail.com. Registration is required, with a minimum of 10 women and a maximum of 20.
Register here for the Cook-a-thon.