February Family Night Supper honoring Betty Jo Palmer

Our February Family Night Supper will very special this month. On February 26, we will be honoring Betty Jo Palmer for over 40 years of service to our church nursery. Betty Jo and her extended family will be our guests that night so we will need plenty of side dishes to go with the chicken and desserts provided by the church. 
How you can help:
1. Send any pictures you may have of Betty Jo to Mary Lou Heaney or give them to her and she will scan them and then return the pictures to you.  Please get these pictures to her by Feb.13; her email is marylou@pearorchard.org. We would like to display them at Betty Jo's celebration.

2.Write a card or note in which you share special memories of Betty Jo.  These may be sent to Mary Lou Heaney at the church:  POPC 750 Pear Orchard Road Ridgeland, MS  39157.

3.The church is establishing a fund to assist Betty Jo with any financial needs in the future.  You may contribute to this fund either by check (make out to POPC and put Betty Jo Palmer in the memo line) or online by following this link: http://buff.ly/2kM5nVt

Please share this with former POPC members so that they may participate also.  Thank you for helping us to honor Betty Jo for being the sweet and gentle servant of the Lord that she is.