Women's Retreat information

Ladies, we want to encourage you to come to our women's retreat at the end of this month - March 31- April 1. We want this retreat to be about fellowship with our sisters in Christ and time in God's living and abiding Word. 
We want it to be casual, comfortable, and encouraging. We want it to be refreshing, renewing, and helpful.

What we need is YOU!

And what we all need is renewed hearts! Spiritual retreats can serve the purpose of re-focusing us, nourishing us, building us up and encouraging us to be steadfastness in the Lord. There are times when we need to pull away from the pressures and demands and intense heat of the battle, for a concentrated time of focus on our Great God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

To register and view the schedule, click here - (we don't have the option of online registration and payment at this time)
Please print and fill out the registration form, attach a check made payable to POPC, with "Women's Retreat" on the memo line, return the form, with payment, to the church office by way of the offering plate on Sunday, or put it in Tammie Haynes's box in the church office. 
You may also mail your form and check to POPC, 750 Pear Orchard Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157.