Missions Festival - Sunday, February 9

On Sunday morning and Sunday evening, Rev. Nate Bonham will preach. Ellie Honea (MTW Japan) will report in the morning services, and Lee Thigpen (Mission First) will report in the evening service.

A little bit more about the people we will be hearing from on Sunday:

Ellie Honea serves in Tokyo, Japan, using her gifts in music, translation, relationship building, and administration to support a church-planting movement in the city.

Lee Thigpen is the Executive Director of Mission First, a ministry with a community center serving people in need in Jackson, Mississippi.


Nate Bonham is an ordained teaching elder in the PCA, having earned his Master of Divinity from RTS in Jackson, MS. He and his wife Nikki served on staff in various roles at a church plant in Mississippi for almost seven years before leaving for the field. In 2012, the Bonhams spent their first year in Bogota, Colombia, where they attended language school and served alongside a new church plant. In late 2013, they transitioned to Arequipa, Peru, where they served for almost six years in church revitalization, discipleship, counseling, and pastoral and lay training. They launched Seminario Biblico Reformado in 2018, which serves almost 200 students across several countries. Nate also began serving MTW in the role of regional director of South America. The Bonham family will transition to Medellin, Colombia, to open a new work for MTW, continue extending the reach of Seminario Biblico Reformado, and work toward church planting in the growing cities of Medellin and Rio Negro.