Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This communication comes to you as a decision from the Elders of our congregation after new developments in our state and out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our congregants and community, due to the rapidly changing Covid-19 virus situation.

We have decided to cancel all on campus worship services for tomorrow and all ministries of the church on the Lord’s day tomorrow. Nothing at all will be held on campus Sunday March 15th.

However, please note that the staff will host the 8:30 am and 11:00am services on a livestream webcast that may be accessed through our church website link or YouTube. We encourage you to tune in and worship via that assistance with your fellow saints!

Psalm 46 declares that, “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way, though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea... Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted in the earth, and exalted among the nations”.

The Church is much stronger and larger than any health crisis. Our God remains where He has always been, ruling and reigning from His throne of Might over the nations and for the good of His people.

However we must live wisely and prudently in light of the providential situation we are in at this season, and we must live out the royal law of love from our Savior to honor other’s safety even above our own. Cancelling our ministries for tomorrow was a last minute decision because we were hoping to host worship with appropriate cautions in place. But when the Governor of our great state announced a statewide emergency today and specifically requested that churches not hold their large group worship settings in person, we reassessed our decision.

Your elders are meeting at length this coming Monday night to make decisions for the immediate future as it impacts weekly ministries and upcoming services.

We will communicate to you via email blasts, social media and communications from your ministry leaders. Please watch for those early in the week.

Rest assured that this decision was not taken lightly by your elders and staff and that we are monitoring things day by day and will give you as much notice as we can concerning future cancellations, or when we might resume something that has been postponed.

Please call upon the Lord for His mercy on the nations, and watch how you may be the salt and light of Christ to a believer or an unbeliever as these next days unfold.

With great confidence in our Savior, and great delight in you our dear Body of Christ,

Pastor Carl,     for all of your elders.

P.S. Pass the word, especially to some of our older members who may not look at email or social media.