Children's Choir Opportunities

Children’s Choirs – Cherub Choir, Praise Troop and Covenant continue to meet
each Sunday evening as they prepare to go out into our community and the surrounding
areas to sing and to serve. Spring tours for the two older choirs are being
planned. Regular attendance often bears much fruit as singers bring their
music to others in the name of Christ. Please join us!

An opportunity to hear special guest speaker Dr. Walt Mueller, the president and founder of The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, talk to us about pornography

Youth and adults are invited to join us for a night hosted by the Youth Ministry on Wednesday, February 8 from 5-8 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building. We will have special guest speaker Dr. Walt Mueller, the president and founder of The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, talk to us about pornography. He is the author of multiple books and has appeared on Fox News and CNN. Dinner will be provided in the Multi-Purpose Building for $5/person or $15 family max. Dinner will be at 5:00 p.m. with Walt beginning his talk at 6:00 p.m. Please sign up by emailing Molly at Childcare will be provided. However, due to a potential
increase in children in the nursery on that night, you must sign up if you are not already signed up with Wednesday night programs so that we can plan accordingly.

Our 2017 Missions Festival is just around the corner!

From February 12-19, we will rejoice in the work of God around the corner and around the globe. Pastors Bill Bradford (of Lawndale PCA in Tupelo, MS) and Kenny Foster (of Grace Dover in Dover, DE) will be preaching God's word to us. The week will be filled with opportunities to get to know our missionaries. We will be mailing out the brochure, registration form, and Missions Pledge Card this week, so be looking for it! 

A service opportunity

Our Music Ministry is looking for volunteers to operate the sound system for the worship services. No special skills required, only a desire to serve our Lord in worship. We can show you everything you need to know. You would be helping out on a monthly schedule every three to four months. Please contact Rick Goodwin or Margaret Sprow if you are interested.

Nursery Notes

As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, non-clear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!

Opportunity for Men: Mid-South Men's Rally

On Friday, January 27, from 5:15-9:00 p.m., First Presbyterian Church will be hosting their annual Mid-South Men’s Rally. The speaker this year is Dr. Carl Trueman, pastor and a professor at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dinner starts at 5:15 and the first session is at 6:30. We will leave from the church parking lot at 5:00 p.m., or you can meet us down there at your convenience.

Christmas Eve Service

Our annual Christmas Eve communion service will take place in the Multi-Purpose building at 4:30 p.m., on December 24. There is a nursery for children 2 years and under in the nursery building. As always at this service we will receive an offering that goes exclusively to our Deacon's mercy fund which enables your officers to meet many needs throughout the year for families needing assistance, both inside and outside our congregation. Your sacrificial support of this offering enables us to display joyfully the loving and merciful diaconal heart of our Savior Jesus.

Nursery Notes

As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, nonclear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!

Moses Basket Announcement

Thank you so much for your generous giving in the month of November in honor of Orphan Sunday. Over $800 was given to buy supplies and food for the foster kids who will attend Connect 4 here at POPC this spring (foster family respite events). We are excited to welcome these families to our church! We will need volunteers from our congregation to help care for and entertain the kids (it will be similar to Sonbeams Night Out). If you are interested in helping on February 10th and/or April 8th, please email

Poinsettia Orders

Poinsettia Orders benefiting Palmer Home for Children: If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia for the Christmas Eve worship service, please complete an order form located near the entrances, and place in the offering plate. The cost is $18.00. Orders must be placed by December 4. You may get your poinsettia after the service on December 24. From the Palmer Home for Children website: Grown in the Hope Grows greenhouses at Palmer Home for Children, each poinsettia purchase you make will go toward rescuing and restoring children who have had their childhoods stripped away, providing them with a home and a family this holiday season.


As the time of the year approaches when many “germs” start appearing, we would like to help our parents understand our Nursery and Children's Ministry sick policy. We warmly welcome your child into our nursery and children’s programs if he or she has not had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours: Coughing, sneezing, nonclear nasal drainage, runny nose and eyes, fever of 100 or above; vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, or rash. We’ll never stop colds and illnesses, but we try to make your child’s class an ideal place for them to only catch the joy of Christ!

Outreach Opportunity

We welcome everyone to join us for a neighborhood Meet & Greet this Thursday, Nov. 10 at Friendship Park off of Lake Harbour Dr. From 4-6p, we will be grilling hot dogs and initiating conversations with families at the park. As Pear Orchard seeks to better serve our neighbors around our church, this is a great opportunity to know in order to love. Come get to know folks around our community! Please contact intern Alex Wright ( for more info, or to volunteer supplies (hotdogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, paper plates,charcoal and lighter fluid)