Officer Nominations

June 26, 2017

Please prayerfully consider your nominations of men for the office of Elder or Deacon according to the Biblical qualifications given in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Nomination forms are available on the counter of the information display in the foyer. Nominations may be placed in the offering plate, Pastor Carl’s box, given to a pastor or mailed to the church. No nominations will be accepted beyond evening worship of July 30 for any reason. Nomination forms are two-sided: the elders on one side and the deacons on the other. 

Neighborhood Outreach starts tomorrow!

POPC will host a Neighborhood Outreach Week beginning tomorrow, June 26 and will go through Friday, June 30. The purpose of this week is for our members to get to know our neighbors by hosting two outreaches: a Neighborhood Outreach and Kids Bible Club, June 26-29, from 6:00–7:30 p.m., at Friendship Park, and a Balloon Glow Picnic at our church on Friday, June 30, beginning at 5:30 p.m. and ending with fireworks! These family oriented events give our church body the opportunity to show hospitality to our community. Please contact Cheryl Reese at for information about the Kids Bible Club at Friendship Park; contact Wendy Herring for information about the Balloon Glow at To sign up to help at Friendship Park, or the Balloon Glow Picnic, please click here.

More items & volunteers needed for Neighborhood Outreach week

JUNE 24, 2017

There are still several slots available for food and volunteer needs for our neighborhood outreach that begins Monday! We need mini water bottles and pre-packaged snacks for our 4 evenings at Friendship Park (sign up here)  and watermelon and desserts are needed for the Balloon Glow (sign up here). Please deliver the items to Tammie Haynes's office. We also need more people to come to our fellowship at Friendship Park to greet our neighbors and hand out flyers (sign up here) Thank you so much! This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community. 

Youth Girls Bible Study starting Monday

Abbey McRoberts will be leading a Girls Bible study on Mondays from 1-3 p.m. at her home during the summer beginning June 5. They will go through Lysa Terkeurst's book Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely. They will be learning how to incorporate what God says about us in His Word while in the midst of identity struggles. The book will help guide them to embrace God-honoring ways to process hurt. Junior and senior high girls are invited to attend. If you have any questions, contact Abbey at

Mission First VBS

On June 12-15, a group from POPC will once again be going to Mission First (which now includes Neighborhood Christian Center) to host a Vacation Bible School. The VBS will offer Bible lessons, crafts, music, and recreation, as well as opportunities to build lasting relationships with the children and staff and volunteers at Mission First. VBS will be from 12 noon -3:00 p.m. each day. If you are interested in being a part of this team, donating money for snacks, or have any questions, please contact Susan McCullouch (, 601-201-2346) or Frances
Wilson (, 601-720-8002).

ChildX Anti-Trafficking Unit Outreach and Hotline Group Training hosted by Moses Basket & Palmer Home

Moses Basket & Palmer Home are hosting a ChildX Anti-Trafficking Unit Outreach and Hotline Group Training. This event will prepare to immediately commence outreach operations to reach women and teens currently being trafficked in Mississippi. We hope you will join us and receive your certification to engage this critical mission in the process of rescuing the oppressed here in our beloved State of Mississippi!


ChildX Madison Anit-Trafficking Unit (ATU) – ALL, regardless of denomination, who are interested in working on the frontlines in the fight against trafficking in Mississippi


ChildX Anti Trafficking Unit Outreach and Hotline Training

*Human Trafficking 101

*Faith Based Organization Module

*ChildX Outreach Training Module

*ChildX Hotline Training Module

*ChildX Extraction and Transport Overview Module


Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Pear Orchard Church (In the Gym)

750 South Pear Orchard Road

Ridgeland, MS


To prepare the Madison ChildX Outreach and Hotline Team to immediately engage outreach and hotline operations in Mississippi. The objective is to reach as many trafficking victims as possible, and lead as many possible out of “the life” throughout the state


ChildX VP of Rescue, Robert Farris and Director of Rescue Paul Neier will be presenting this in depth “basic training” to prepare our Madison Team to “get in the fight” immediately

If you are interested please contact Paul Neier at

Neighborhood Outreach Opportunities

POPC will host a Neighborhood Outreach Week June 26-30. The purpose of this week is for our members to get to know our neighbors by hosting two outreaches: a Neighborhood Outreach and Kids Bible Club, June 26-29, from 6:00–7:30 pm, at Friendship Park, and a Balloon Glow Picnic at our church on Friday, June 30, beginning at 5:30 pm and ending with fireworks! These family oriented events give our church body the opportunity to show hospitality to our community. To sign up to help at Friendship Park and/or the Balloon Glow Picnic, click here. Please contact Cheryl Reese at for information about the Kids Bible Club at Friendship Park; contact Wendy Herring for information about the Balloon Glow at

Missions Monday: Joni and Friends Jackson

POPC Supports Joni and Friends Jackson.

Joni and Friends maintains offices across the U.S., including a local office in Jackson, MS. The Jackson office is working with local churches and organizations, forming outreach programs throughout the community and ministering hope and the message of Christ to those who face daily challenges of life with a disability. The Jackson office is committed to reaching individuals and families affected by disability in our community with the love of Christ. 

Please keep this wonderful ministry in your prayers, and visit their website to learn more! You can also like them on Facebook.

Staff Spotlight: Abigail McRoberts, our new Youth Coordinator!

MAY 26, 2017



I grew up in Montgomery AL. I went to Ole Miss and graduated last year.

I love traveling, reading, watching Ole Miss sports, and spending time with my family and friends.

I am in my first year in the Marriage and Family Counseling program at Reformed Theological Seminary.  

I am so excited about being at Pear Orchard and I look forward to my time here!!


Welcome to POPC, Abigail!

Help needed for Mission First VBS

On June 12-15, a group from POPC will once again be going to Mission First (which now includes Neighborhood Christian Center) to host a Vacation Bible School.  The VBS will offer Bible lessons, crafts, music, and recreation, as well as opportunities to build lasting relationships with the children and staff and volunteers at Mission First.  VBS will be from 12 noon -3:00 p.m. each day.  If you are interested in being a part of this team, donating money for snacks, or have any questions, please contact Susan McCullouch ( or Frances Wilson (

Community Groups

The vision for community groups is to glorify God by expanding His kingdom through growing meaningful relationships, building community within our church body, and reaching out with a ministry mindset to welcome newcomers. Lord-willing, these groups will continue to grow and multiply until being a part of a community group is the norm for every member of POPC. Click here to find out more about community groups. 

POPC Neighborhood Outreach

POPC will host Neighborhood Outreach Week June 26-30.
The purpose of this week is for our members to get to know our neighbors by hosting two outreaches:
·         a CEF Good News Club, June 26-29, from 6 – 7:30 pm, at Friendship Park.

·         a Balloon Glow Picnic at our church on the 30th.

Stay tuned for more details and an opportunity to sign up to help at Friendship Park and the Balloon Glow! Contact Cheryl Reese at about the CEF Good News Club at Friendship Park; Contact Wendy Herring at about the Balloon Glow.

Missions Monday: Ellie Honea

POPC Supports missionary Ellie Honea!  Please pray for Ellie and for the Japanese people she serves. 

God was calling Ellie to Himself and to ministry in Japan long before she was aware of it. She was born and dedicated to the Lord as an infant just south of Tokyo. After a two-week mission trip to Japan during college, Ellie graduated with a bachelor of arts in music from Belhaven University and returned to Tokyo for a two-year term, building relationships with the Japanese as a musician, teacher, student, and friend. During that time, she saw God powerfully using music and the arts to encourage Japanese Christians (which make up only 0.3 percent of the population) and to function as a bridge between non-Christian communities and the church.

Ellie is excited to continue serving in Japan as a long-term missionary with Community Arts Tokyo, supporting church planting through music and arts ministry.

Visit her MTW page here.

Super Summer Sunday Nights begin June 4

Super Summer Sunday Nights begin June 4 and runs through August 20. Our youngest children (4 year old class through 1st grade) will be dismissed to the Outback Room, studying "God's Wisdom." 2nd-6th grade girls (Room 230) and 2nd–6th grade boys (Room 232) will be learning about prayer. All groups will also enjoy some fellowship and outdoor activity time too!

Connect 4

Moses' Basket is excited to host two more Connect 4s (respite for foster care families) - Friday night, June 2nd (5:30-9:30pm) and Saturday, September 23rd (9am-1pm). Please pass this on to any foster families you know. To register, ask questions, or volunteer, please contact us at Click here to view the flyer for more information and to share with any foster families you might know. 

Yakama Mission Team Meeting: May 21

The last mission trip meeting for the Yakama mission team will be Sunday, May 21, at 4:30 p.m. in the Refuge. Team members will receive information about packing and itinerary details. We will also spend some time in prayer for our week. Please pray for our 16 students and 4 chaperones and their week in Washington state coming up June 2-10.