Operation Christmas Child Sunday this Sunday for Children's Sunday School classes

This Sunday is Operation Christmas Child Sunday! We will be putting together Operation Christmas Child boxes in all children's Sunday School classes. Empty boxes will be in the classrooms for packing. Students are encouraged to bring toys, toiletries, and other appropriate items to their classes to pack in the boxes. It is very important to include a $9 check to help cover shipping. 

***New this year: As you are
packing your shoeboxes, please remember candy and toothpaste are not
allowed due to customs regulations.

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Comfort & Joy Christmas Celebration

Ladies, high school age and up, are invited to a festive evening of delicious holiday fare and warm fellowship. You won't want to miss our special speaker, Emily Hartman, who is on staff with Parakaleo, a ministry that provides support and training for wives of church planters and women in vocational ministry. Her theme is "Tidings of Comfort and Joy" and her teaching will come from John 14-17.  Plan to join us and bring a friend, neighbor, co-worker, family member!  No cost and no reservation required.

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Orphan Sunday on November 12

During the month of November, Moses' Basket will collect monetary donations for orphan transition homes in Ukraine. Michelle Maly, a POPC supported missionary, is involved with
the building of these homes. When teens age out of orphanages in Ukraine, they have nowhere to go and many end up on the streets. These transition homes give the kids a place to live while discipling them spiritually and helping them learn life skills. Be on the lookout for collection buckets in Sunday school classes throughout the month of November and for a flyer with current orphan and foster needs in the state of Mississippi.

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Missions Monday: Trail Life USA, POPC Troop

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Trail Life USA is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership Program for boys and young men ages 5-17 years old and centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man's skills and allow him to grow on a personal level, as a role model and a leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Word of God with a goal of producing Godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. 

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week Volunteer Information


Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week is November 13-20. OCC partners with churches worldwide to share the good news of Jesus to hurting children through simple gifts. To volunteer at POPC during Collection Week please call or text Jenny Murphy at 601-906-9776. **New this year: As you are packing your shoeboxes, please remember candy and toothpaste are not allowed due to customs regulations, and a $9 donation per shoebox should be included to cover shipping and other ministry expenses.

Men's Retreat - Info and Registration deadline on Monday

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Men, please register for the Men's Retreat by Monday! . It will be this coming Friday-Saturday, November 3-4, at the Barnes’ Barn (directions are on the registration form online). Billy Dempsey, Minister of Congregational Care at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, will be speaking on friendship, calling, and worldliness. The retreat will begin with dinner on Friday at 6:00ish (but feel free to arrive earlier), and end before lunchtime. The cost is $15. Bring your own linens and towel. You can register here.

Reformation Celebration

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Celebrate the 500th anniversary of our great reformation heritage! On October 29 we will celebrate with hymns accompanied by a brass quintet at both morning services. On Sunday night, October 29, our Sunday evening service will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson at 6:00 p.m. We will join with our entire Presbytery to remember God's grace to His people in this turning point in church history.

Missions Monday: Sonbeams Ministry

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Sonbeams is the special needs ministry at Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS. Our vision is to see God glorified through integrating children and adults with differing abilities into the life and the mission of the church.

We believe that individuals with disabilities are precious gifts from God. We consider it a privilege and a calling from God to reach out to those who are disabled because this ministry represents the very heart of God. We are committed not just to serving these individuals, but in equipping them to become vital members of the body of Christ. Ultimately, we live to demonstrate the magnificent beauty of Jesus Christ and the power of His life-transforming presence to individuals with special needs.

We would love to have you join us in worship and Sunday School each and every Sunday.  If you have any questions about our ministry to special needs families email Martie Kwasny or call her at 601-919-8605.

Registration for the Men's Retreat

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Men, register now for our fall men's retreat! It will be on Friday-Saturday, November 3-4, at the Barnes’ Barn (we’ll have directions soon). Billy Dempsey, Minister of Congregational Care at First
Presbyterian Church in Jackson, will be our speaker. The retreat will begin with dinner on Friday at 6:00ish (but feel free to arrive earlier), and end before lunchtime. Billy will speak once on Friday evening and twice Saturday morning. The cost is $15. You can register here.

Missions Monday: Moses' Basket


Moses' Basket, a ministry of POPC, seeks to provide care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of children at risk who are suffering locally and throughout the world, by encouraging, educating, equipping and supporting our church body towards adoption, orphan care and foster care so that in this we may live to demonstrate to the world the magnificent beauty of Jesus Christ and the power of His life transforming presence. 

To learn more about Moses' Basket, click here to visit the page on our website. 

Missions Monday: American Heritage Girls POPC Troop


POPC Supports American Heritage Girls POPC Troop. AHG is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. "Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country". 

If you would like more information about AHG Troop MS-1423, please email info@troopms1031.org and someone will be happy to put you in contact with the AHG troop leadership. 

Youth Fall Retreat

All 7th-12th graders are invited to attend our annual Fall Retreat! It will be November 3-5 at Central Hills Baptist Retreat Center. The Fall Retreat is a great time of fellowship, fun, and study of God’s Word. Rev. Claude McRoberts, the senior pastor from Trinity Pres. in Montgomery, AL, will be our speaker for the weekend. He will teach through Romans 6-8. Bring a $50 deposit by Wednesday, October 4 to secure your spot. Total cost: $110. Don’t let money be the reason not to come! Contact Wilson at wvanhooser@ccs.ms for scholarship information. Please lift this retreat in prayer, as students will be hearing the Word multiple times throughout the weekend.