In less than a month, POPC will be sending out two mission teams: 26 youth and chaperones will be traveling to the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington, and 13 adults and youth will be traveling to Trujillo, Peru. Please be praying for the Lord to work in and through these teams. They also need you to send them financially: the Peru team has raised approximately $15,000 of the $30,000 needed, and the Yakama team has raised approximately $21,000 of the $34,000 needed. If you would like to support either of these teams and their work, please do so in the next two weeks. If you have already contributed toward these trips, thank you for your generosity! Our confidence is that Jesus is building His church around the globe, and as we go to make disciples at home and abroad, we go in His strength and provision. What a privilege for each one of us to participate in His mission, working for the joy of the lost and the found!
Missions Monday: RUF
POPC supports Reformed University Fellowship. More than just a ministry on the university campus, RUF seeks to be a ministry for the university. Campus ministers strive to serve in this unique stage of a student’s life in the world they live in, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life. POPC supports RUF on the campuses of Ole Miss, MSU, USM, JSU, Delta State, Belhaven and MC.
Campus Ministers:
Ole Miss: Brian Sorgenfrei
MSU: Elliott Everitt
USM: Ben Shaw
JSU: Cyril Chavis, Tre and Karlin Brooks (interns)
Delta State: Ro Taylor
Belhaven University: Seth Starkey
Mississippi College: Jeff Jordan
Please keep this wonderful ministry in your prayers!
Missions Monday: John & Cathy Rug in Chile
The Rugs have served as church planters in Chile since 1986. They have worked with Vina del Mar Church planting effort, applying the gospel to some of Chile's "disposable" people such as the blind. They also minister through a resource center for the disabled, the CEMPIRE project.
Please pray for these missionaries!
Missions Monday: African American Leadership Initiative - Jackson, MS
The African American Leadership Initiative is open to anyone, but particularly to full-time African American seminary students demonstrating leadership potential who are pursuing an MDIV or MA degree. Members of AALI will learn how to apply the Gospel to the unique challenges and circumstances of ministry in a multi-ethnic, urban setting.
Please pray for AALI!
Missions Monday: Mid-South Church Planting Network
The Mid-South Church Planting Network is a group of PCA churches in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and west Tennessee that have come together to see new churches started for the glory of the God. Their desire is to see churches planted that are enamored with King Jesus in all they say and do. They believe that church planting is the most effective way to reach those who do not know the hope and promise of the Gospel. They know there are key areas throughout the Mid-South where PCA churches are needed. They also want see mutli-ethnic and African-America churches birthed, which simply reflects the beauty that is the throne room of Heaven.
Let's pray for the Mid-South Church Planting Network!
Missions Festival Report
Thanks be to God who went before us to prepare the way so that the Missions Festival was such a tremendous blessing to our congregation and to our Missions and Ministry Partners! Thank you to all who planned, executed, hosted and participated in numerous ways to make this a special week in the life of Christ’s church at POPC. We got off to a fairly good start on our Direct Member Giving Goal of $136,177 as we have received 64 pledges for $78,631 so far. Keep praying about how God would use you to plant the seeds of His love and grace. Will you be one of God’s senders?
Thank you, Martie!
Thanks be to the Lord for how generously He has gifted Martie Kwasny and used her as a minister in my personal life and as a faithful servant to our congregation. For the past twelve years, the Lord has used Martie and the rest of the Kwasny clan (and there are enough of them to qualify as a “clan”) at Pear Orchard to establish His Kingdom by, among many other things, spreading His Gospel of love to the marginalized and oft forgotten community of those affected by disability. Through her passionate efforts in founding and leading the Sonbeams Ministry, the Gospel has been made accessible for many, who because of physical or mental barriers, rarely have the opportunity to be immersed in corporate worship or the community of believers. I would be seriously remiss if I stepped into this role without properly recognizing her dedication to establishing and nurturing the Sonbeams Ministry at Pear Orchard.
Michael Beates, author of Disability and the Gospel said the following: We live in a culture that avoids, rejects, and hides weakness and brokenness. Disability reminds us of what we wish (and try desperately) to deny—that we are all disabled in some sense, whether it is spiritual, emotional, relational, or physical. Our friends who live with outward physical disability cannot hide their brokenness as easily or as successfully as the “normal” population. I tell people that the gift my daughter brings to the church is her presence. Her simply being among God’s people reminds us that before God we are all deeply and profoundly needy people and God’s grace is rich for us when we embrace this truth. This is her gift to the church.
Martie truly gets this, and the Lord has made it her mission to spread this understanding in the church. She understands what a gift these families, touched by disability, are for the church, and what a gift the church should be for them. I’m certain at times she felt like Mt. Everest was in front of her. Disability ministry can be disheartening, exhausting, discouraging, and isolating. Yet she persevered. The Lord used Martie to build Sonbeams from the ground up, which was no simple feat. Starting from a need being presented 12 years ago by an elder who had a child with special needs, Sonbeams has matured into a robust ministry that now provides many respite events a year, a VBS serving adults and inclusion children, a system that ensures all are hearing the Word of God on Sundays, a Wednesday night bible study, Christmas deliveries to our families touched by disability, and many other opportunities. Please join me in thanking Martie for her 12 years of dedication to establishing this ministry and her continued service to the Kingdom as the full-time Director of Joni and Friends Jackson.
Morgan Vitart, Sonbeams Director
Missions Monday: Arklie Hooten, MNA Disaster Response and Short Term Missions Director
Missions Monday: Pray for our missionary of the week, Arklie Hooten, MNA Disaster Response and Short Term Missions Director. Arklie and his wife Katherine live in Elizabethton, TN and worship at Memorial PCA where he currently serves as a Ruling Elder. He has been leading the ministry of MNA Disaster Response since 2005, overseeing the growth and development of staffing, volunteer training and mobilization, a DR warehouse, and the Sheds of Hope project.
Missions Monday: Pray for our Missionaries, Wes & Jami Baker (Peru Mission)
Missions Monday: Pray for our missionaries, Wes and Jami Baker (Peru Mission). Wes and Jami are from small towns near San Antonio, Texas. Wes and Jami have been on the field since the beginning of 2000 and they have seven children. Wes is the team leader in Trujillo, Pastor at Iglesia Cristo Rey, and professor of New Testament and Systematics at the Areopago Cristiano.
Please mark your calendars now for our annual Missions Festival: Sunday, February 11, through Sunday, February 18
Please mark your calendars now for our annual Missions Festival - Sunday, February 11, through Sunday, February 18. Mr. Les Newsom (RUF Area Coordinator for AR, west TN, MS, and AL), Dr. David Strain (Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson), and Dr. Elias Madeiros will be our guest preachers. More information to come!
Children's Choirs begin January 7 and new singers are welcome to join us!
Children’s Choirs resume on January 7 and new singers are welcome to join us. Children are dismissed to choir from the evening service. Cherub Choir, age 4–first grade, meets in the Outback Room in the Multi-Purpose Building, Praise Troop, 2nd–4th grade, meets in the Choir Room 138 in the Ed. Building, and Covenant, 5th– 8th grade, meets in Room 238 in the Ed. Building.
Many thanks to all our musicians who led us so beautifully to God’s throne this Christmas season!
Many thanks to all our musicians who led us so beautifully to God’s throne this Christmas season. Children’s Choirs, Sanctuary Choir, Worship Team, leaders, directors, volunteers, sound technicians and supportive parents, your love for Christ and your desire to glorify and worship Him is a great blessing to POPC and stirs us all to worship our Lord more fully.
Missions Monday
Missions Monday:
TEASER: We have a completely out of the box missions endeavor
in incubation stage for 2019. We will drop some clues between
now and the 2018 Missions Festival. If you already know the
answer, please keep it quiet until the reveal!
DID YOU KNOW? We have approved planning 2018 mission
trips to Peru Missions, Yakama Indians, JAF Family Retreat and
JAF India?
PRAYER REQUEST: We need to finish strong to meet our
2017 Missions Giving Goals. Please pray that we will be led to
give generously.
Young Marrieds Christmas party
Join us at the home of Nash and Lindsey Evans (109 Pinnacle Cove in Madison) from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. We're planning a "new newlywed" tournament game, so we need you to let us know you are coming by registering. Dress is holiday casual. Childcare is not provided. Invite your young married friends to join us!
Operation Christmas Child report
Many THANKS to all who participated in OCC this year. We had a great year with collections of over 48,000 shoeboxes! Praise the Lord for his gracious provision and for allowing us the privilege to serve Him in this ministry. Please continue to pray for the children who will receive the boxes, and all involved in the process of getting the boxes delivered. May this be a tradition that our church family participates in annually to prepare our hearts for the season. Merry Christmas!
Staff Highlight: Mary Lou Heaney
How long have you been at Pear Orchard on staff?
I began as MMO director in Jan 1989 and the added position of Nursery Director 2001
Where did you grow up?
Carrollton , MS
What are some of your hobbies?
Sewing & crafts
Fun fact about yourself:
I was an extra in the movie "The Reivers" which was filmed in my hometown.
Thanks, Mary Lou, for all you do to serve our church families!
Christmas packages to families with special needs
Sonbeams and JAF Jackson will deliver Christmas packages to families with special needs on the evening of Tuesday, December 12. We are now accepting donations for purchasing gifts for these families. If you would like to give, please make your checks payable to POPC and denote "Sonbeams/Christmas" on the memo line. Checks may be placed in the offering plate or given to John Kwasny. For more information, or to sign up to help with deliveries, please contact Martie Kwasny (601-594-0148).
Young Marrieds Christmas Party
Join us at the home of Nash and Lindsey Evans from 7-9 p.m. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. We're planning a "new newlywed" tournament game, so we need you to let us know you are coming by registering here. Dress is holiday casual. Childcare is not provided. Invite your young married friends to join us!
Missions Monday: RUF Mississippi
More than just a ministry on the university campus, RUF seeks to be a ministry for the university. They strive to serve in this unique stage in a student's life in the world they live in, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life. POPC supports RUF on the campuses of Ole Miss, MSU, JSU, Delta State, Belhaven, and MC. To learn more about RUF, visit their website here.
Peru Mission Trip
Do you want to go to Peru next Summer? We will be taking a mission trip to Trujillo, Peru, from June 1-9. Peru Mission would especially welcome medical professionals to work in their clinic, teachers to conduct workshops in their area of speciality, and those in finance to work with their microfinance ministry. The rest of us will work in construction and Vacation Bible School. If you are interested in going, please contact Pastor Caleb.