Philosophy of Music Ministry

The Music Ministry of Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church exists to develop and steward the musical gifts of the congregation so that we may fully utilize God’s gift of music in obedience to the principles and precepts of Holy Scripture.  The Music Ministry encourages authentic and vibrant musical expression from all the saints. This biblically mandated ministry is to be conducted in dependent faith as expressed in humble, prayerful submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and falls under the authority and vision of the Session.

By making the following seven commitments, The Music Ministry strives to be an integral part of Pear Orchard’s worship, life and ministry to the glory of God and the building up of His people.

A Commitment to Excellence

The Music Ministry seeks to pursue excellence in all its aspects to the glory of God.  All that is done and the way in which it is done should testify to God’s character, presence and grace.  This call to excellence is also a call to educate God’s people to discern musical excellence and to develop their musical gifts and capabilities, whether great or small, beginning in young childhood and progressing into adulthood.

A Commitment to Building Corporate Musical Worship

Recognizing that God often uses music in worship to engage our hearts, The Music Ministry seeks to involve every member in the worship of God through music.  We want to be known as a “singing church”.  Also, The Music Ministry will encourage and build up the congregation as a whole by developing and utlilizing the musical gifts of individuals and small groups.

A Commitment to a Plurality of Musical Styles and Personnel

At a time when many churches have a traditional and a contemporary service, we have made the decision to combine different musical styles in all of our worship services.  Singing the great hymns of the faith connects us to the historical church and to the saints that have gone before us.  Indeed we stand on the shoulders of the great hymn writers and theologians of the past. Singing contemporary songs and hymns reminds us that new songs are still being written because God is still at work building His church and calling His people to praise Him.  Songs, hymns and spiritual songs that are true, Scripture-based and musically excellent are appropriate and relevant for our church today.  It is the Music Director’s responsibility to discern quality, both musically and textually while acknowledging a wide variety of genres and styles that will teach, encourage and build up the body of Christ at POPC.  To further reflect the creativity and diversity of God, The Music Ministry will seek to engage as many members as possible in a variety of musical expressions in worship for the glory of God and the edification of His people.

A Commitment to Spiritual Leadership and Discipleship

The Music Ministry is founded on a commitment by the Session to ensure its leaders are Christians who exemplify the grace of Christ, and a commitment of The Music Ministry leaders to disciple those who are involved.  Music ministry is not only musical artistry but spiritual ministry that must be carried out by people who are growing in their relationship with Christ.  Church membership, a practical expression of discipleship, is expected of ongoing participants in the Music Ministry.

A Commitment to Training

Scripture portrays the body of believers as a worshiping community where every member is capable of expressing worship to God through music and where many have extraordinary musical gifts.  Scripture exhorts all believers to be involved in musical worship, especially worship in song. From the earliest ages, The Music Ministry will develop, train and equip the saints to fully participate in worship through music. As much as possible, the Music Ministry seeks to develop, utilize and rely upon the musical gifts of its own members to do the ministry to which it is called.  This requires a commitment to equip and train the saints for the service of worship and other kingdom ministry.


 A Commitment to Sacrificial Love

There are individual preferences in musical tastes and styles and one type of music will not be equally preferred by all.  The biblical model for handling these differences (where no principle of Scripture is violated) is found in the law of love.  Out of love for the family of faith, Christians should be taught to rejoice when their brothers or sisters in the Lord are biblically edified by a genre of music that may not be their personal favorite.

A Commitment to Evangelism

Worship is integrally related to evangelism.  Authentic corporate worship that is Spirit-driven, excellent, earnest, selfless, and truth-centered is a powerful, living witness to the unconverted.  Popularity must not be the primary concern in formulating our worship.  Our primary concern must be to communicate biblical truth and assist the congregation in passionate worship. Music used in ministry must engage the cultural context, but is must also challenge it. The Music Ministry seeks to communicate in a living, corporate witness that humankind’s greatest need is to give up a lifestyle of focus on self and to serve and worship the one true God through Jesus Christ.