Get to know one of our Youth Ministry Coordinators, Georgia Upshaw!

How long have you been on staff at POPC? I’ve been at Pear Orchard on staff since November.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Vicksburg, MS, but attended French Camp Academy and French Camp, MS is now what I call home.

What are some of your hobbies? My hobbies are walking around the Belhaven neighborhood with friends, socializing, laughing, and making new friends at any conference I go to. 

Fun fact: When I was younger the only thing I ever put on my Christmas list was that I wanted braces.

One of the best meals you have ever had: I don’t have one that sticks out but I love sandwiches and specifically Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

What are you known for? My laughter , loudness, and ability to talk to strangers. 
