Get to know our Worship Team Leader, Madison Taylor!

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How long have you been at Pear Orchard on staff? I started as the Worship Team Leader in March 2020, but I played mandolin with the Worship Team for about four years before that. We have been at Pear Orchard since 2011.

Where did you grow up? Brookhaven, Mississippi.

What are some of your hobbies? All things music, reading, spending time outside with my family, golfing, and fishing. 

What is the first instrument you played? Violin. I took lessons for a couple of years as a kid but my career ended before I got very far.

Fun fact about yourself: I once met the King and Queen of Spain.

One of the best meals you've ever had: Context is a big factor here: getting deep dish pizzas in Chicago with friends while I was at Wheaton College.

Thanks, Madison, for all you do for the music ministry!