POPC Weekly Update: April 30, 2020

“The faithful are not logs of wood, nor have they so divested themselves of human feelings, but that they are affected with sorrow, they fear danger, and they feel poverty as an evil and persecutions as hard and difficult to be borne. Hence they experience sorrow from evils; but it is so mitigated by faith, that they cease not at the same time to rejoice. Thus sorrow does not prevent their joy, but, on the contrary, gives place to it. Again, though joy overcomes sorrow, yet it does not put an end to it, for it does not divest us of humanity.” — See who said this and why it matters at the bottom.

1. From the pastor’s study…

One of the highlights of ministry for me the past few years has been getting to be a part of the CCS Preschool Come Together time once a week. If you’re ever discouraged, just spend time around preschoolers. They will love you unconditionally, especially if you carry a guitar. I’ve been able to sing songs and recite the Children’s Catechism with them, and see many children grow up out of Preschool into Elementary School over the years.

  • But one big reason that my time with the Preschool has been so meaningful is the encouragement I’ve received from Lanelle Fincher. As you’ll see below, she is retiring after 30+ years of working at our Preschool. I will miss her deeply - and I know that the preschoolers, parents, and teachers will miss her even more than I will. Give thanks to God for how He has used our sister in the lives of so many. 

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost May, and that this will be our 8th Sunday worshiping only through live stream. Preaching to a camera is getting old, as is (I hope!) worshiping in your pajamas in your living room. But I’m thankful that God’s word does “not return to Him empty, without accomplishing what He desires, and without succeeding in the matter for which He sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).

  • Pray that the Lord would allow us to gather together soon (please don’t miss the survey in that regard below).

  • Pray that His word would “spread rapidly and be glorified” (II Thessalonians 3:1).

  • Pray also for those saints in the hospital: Mary Helen Perry (low blood pressure), Allene Allen (a growing mass on her liver), and Steve Tackitt’s mother. 

  • If you know of other matters for congregational prayer, please email them to Laura Herbison (pray@pearorchard.org).

2. And the Session’s decision is…

Your elders voted this week to continue to cancel gathered corporate worship and on-campus ministries through May 11, unless specific approval has been granted.

The bottom line: For the health of our community, Governor Tate Reeves has asked churches not to meet in person for worship at this time.

What's next: We are making plans now for a phased return, as soon as the way is clear.

  • We recognize that even after we begin gathering for worship, each of you will feel comfortable returning at different points.

  • We will be encouraging those who are sick and at higher risk of COVID to continue to watch our live stream at home.

  • Please fill out this survey to help us as we make our plans!

3. Farewell, Mrs. Fincher! 

After over 30 years of service at our Preschool, Lanelle Fincher is retiring at the end of this school year. 

Why it matters: This news will be met with great emotion within the CCS community - she has loved and served so well!

  • Countless children have been taught by her and sat at her feet for Come Together time.

  • So many teachers have been mentored in loving our little ones.

  • We will all miss her radiant smile in the halls of CCS! 

Say thank you! If Lanelle has impacted your life or the life of your children, please celebrate her with a note, card, or email. 

4. Welcome, Winford Lee! 

We have recently hired Mr. Winford Lee to our maintenance staff.

Big picture: Our facilities are large and demand expertise and care to steward them well. It’s a great blessing to have Winford join Willie Lane to work under Edwin Lewis, our Building and Grounds Superintendent. 

5. Graduating seniors, we want to recognize you.

On Sunday, May 17, we will recognize our graduates in the bulletin. 

  • Momentous milestones like graduation have been lost during this pandemic, but we can still rejoice at God’s faithfulness over the years.

What we need from you: If you or your child is a 2020 graduate from high school, college or any post graduate program, please send name, school and degree to Jan Duran at jan@pearorchard.org.

6. May Birthdays

May birthdays-page-001 (1).png

7. Have you missed any of our staff’s blog posts?

Each week we’re posting on our blog, Notes From the Orchard. Check out these contributions from our staff:

The teaching series on Depression is available online. It will continue for the next 2 weeks.

8. Worship With Us Online

We’re continuing to live-stream our worship services this Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. 

Important links:

1 service opportunity: Donate snack packs to Ann Smith Elementary School to provide food for Madison County children for the weekends (drop off under the breezeway of Colonial Heights, or order from Amazon and ship to them: 444 Northpark Dr, Ridgeland, MS). 

1 take out: Don’t forget CCS’ Gourmet Takery if you’re looking for a meal for yourself or to give to another family. Order by 8 p.m. tonight (Thursday) for the week of May 4. 

Quote: “The faithful are not logs of wood, nor have they so divested themselves of human feelings, but that they are affected with sorrow, they fear danger, and they feel poverty as an evil and persecutions as hard and difficult to be borne. Hence they experience sorrow from evils; but it is so mitigated by faith, that they cease not at the same time to rejoice. Thus sorrow does not prevent their joy, but, on the contrary, gives place to it. Again, though joy overcomes sorrow, yet it does not put an end to it, for it does not divest us of humanity.”  — John Calvin on I Peter 1:6-7

Why it matters: I’ll be preaching on this passage this coming Lord’s Day. May the Lord use His word to comfort our hearts during this pandemic!