Good Words from an Elder Statesman

Dean Williams

April 23, 2020

A few weeks ago, I shared my thoughts concerning the inestimable value of our seniors. I gave particular emphasis to the debt of wisdom and practical knowledge they possess as a result of their decades long walk with the Lord. The same exact sentiment applies to the long serving Teaching Elders in our Presbytery, the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley. One such elder is William C. Hughes, known to most of us as Bill Hughes. Bill is an 81-year-old Teaching Elder who is currently the primary Pulpit Supply Minister to Carthage Presbyterian Church (CPC), in Carthage, Mississippi. Prior to his semi-retirement, he spent almost 23 years at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson. While there, he served in various capacities, most notably as Administrative Pastor. Bill lives here in the city of Ridgeland, and I am beyond delighted to say that he is a neighbor of mine. The following are the contents of a COVID-19 related letter that Bill recently shared with the members of CPC. I pray its contents would beautifully speak to our hearts as well:

Under the sovereign hand of God, the Coronavirus has appeared so suddenly. For most of us, our world has been filled with upheaval and uncertainty, both in our health, and our finances. For all of us, there have been various adjustments to our way of life, this, as we respond to the new demands of these COVID-19 days.

I’m reminded of the scene in the book of Joshua (Chapter 3), where the people of Israel are on one side of the Jordan River and the Promise Land is on the other side. The day before they were to cross the river, they had no idea how they were to get across. Much like us today, they must have wondered, how do we face our uncertain future?

The river Jordan, at this time in history, was in flood season, and there were 2 ½ million people on one side of the Jordan. And making matters worse, God had told Israel to stay and watch the raging river, for 3 days; night and day. They saw the problem in front of them, much like our Mississippi River and Pearl rivers only a few weeks ago. God promised Israel they would cross the Jordan on dry land in order to enter the Land of Promise. Yet, here they were.

The Coronavirus is our Jordan, hindering our progress in living, posing setbacks, establishing brick walls, causing us to be faced with storms and raging waters. Our solution is the same as was Israel’s. We need to understand our helplessness before God. God is with us, and in control, in these troubled waters. In crossing through our Jordan(s), don’t take your eyes off the Lord Jesus, and don’t look at the troubled waves and water. Keep your eyes fixed on Christ, for He alone can carry you through on dry land.

Here are some practical questions to ask: Lord, what are you teaching me right now? What is it you want me to learn? How do you want me to grow more like you in this? Lord, what sin do you want to purge from me?

The 84th Psalm is a beautiful expression of love for the sanctuary of God to all who worship and love Him. As the sovereign Lord has allowed this scourge upon our land, I pray that we would seek refuge in Him through His Word. Perhaps a consequence of these COVID-19 days, will be that we will see how perishable this world, and all that’s in it really is, and that our God is in control and full of love for us who know Him.

-- William C. Hughes