From the Pastor's Study

February 18, 2022

I'm still digesting the rich truth we were fed last week during our annual Missions Festival. What a blessing to hear from Tito Padilla, Mark Horn, and Rick Phillips! If you missed any of their sermons and reports, or want to listen to them again, please visit the Sermons page of our website to listen to them. If you were present Wednesday night, you might recall Mark Horn mentioning a video in which Philip Sealy, the former Ocean Springs church planter, expressed his desires for the gospel to reach that city, even as he was dying of cancer. You can watch that six-minute video here, and then read more about Mark and Stephanie's vision for Ocean Springs here.

Don't forget to turn in a missions commitment card soon (or fill one out online - click the block on our home page). I rejoice that this past Sunday there were 37 cards turned in for a total of $73,480 - which means we are already 65% toward our direct member giving goal for 2022 of $112,546! Knowing that some in the congregation give to missions even without turning in a commitment card, I feel confident that we will be able to exceed that goal, and have even more funds for our Missions Team to use for one-time gifts.

Let's continue to pray for God to cause good fruit to grow in all the world through our gifts and prayers - remember to use the weekly "Missionary of the Week" prayer box in the bulletin, and join us for our first Sunday evening at 5:00 prayer meeting for missions, ministries, and the spread of the gospel within our hearts and around the world.


On our Sermons page, you will also find Rick Phillips' discussion of the state of the PCA. It was a sobering and helpful walk through some of the divisions within our denomination, in particular the controversy that has arisen in earnest the past four years over the issue of "Side B" homosexuality. One website defines these two sides in the following way: "Side A consists of LGBTQ Christians who believe to be gay and live as a gay person in a same-sex romantic relationship is not a sin. People on Side B believe it’s not a sin to be LGBTQ, but see the only way to stay within these parameters is to live a celibate life and thus never engage in a same-sex sexual relationship." While commendably refusing to affirm that homosexual sexual acts are pleasing to God, those who declare themselves to be "Side B" homosexuals sadly assert that there is nothing wrong with a Christian identifying as a homosexual (or if they really want to include the "T"[ransgender], to identify as a different gender than the one the Lord assigned a person at birth), and that sexual attraction or desire for someone of the same gender is not something that the believer in Jesus needs to (or in the view of some, can) mortify/put to death or repent of.

The PCA Study Committee Report on Human Sexuality, however, speaks plainly to both of these issues (and many more!).

  • With regard to a Christian's identity: "We affirm that the believer’s most important identity is found in Christ (Rom. 8:38-39; 12 Eph. 1:4, 7). Christians ought to understand themselves, define themselves, and describe themselves in light of their union with Christ and their identity as regenerate, justified, holy children of God (Rom. 6:5-11; 1 Cor. 6:15-20; Eph. 2:1-10). To juxtapose identities rooted in sinful desires alongside the term “Christian” is inconsistent with Biblical language and undermines the spiritual reality that we are new creations in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). Nevertheless, being honest about our sin struggles is important. While Christians should not identify with their sin so as to embrace it or seek to base their identity on it, Christians ought to acknowledge their sin in an effort to overcome it. There is a difference between speaking about a phenomenological facet of a person’s sin-stained reality and employing the language of sinful desires as a personal identity marker. That is, we name our sins, but are not named by them." (Page 11)

  • With regard to desire: "The desire for an illicit end—whether in sexual desire for a person of the same sex or in sexual desire disconnected from the context of Biblical marriage—is itself an illicit desire. Therefore, the experience of same-sex attraction is not morally neutral; the attraction is an expression of original or indwelling sin that must be repented of and put to death (Rom. 8:13)." (Page 8)

These quotes from the PCA Study Committee Report are a good reminder that in spite of the several discouraging things that have happened over the past few months in the PCA in regard to these issues (the failure on the Presbytery level of the two overtures approved by the General Assembly and the Standing Judicial Commission's denial of the complaint against Missouri Presbytery's handling of TE Greg Johnson), there is much to be thankful for as well. Not only have we issued a strong statement on human sexuality in the Study Committee Report (albeit not binding in any way), but 50 of the 80 presbyteries (eight have not yet voted) that have voted on the overture to prohibit ordination to men who self-identify as "gay Christian" or "same-sex attracted Christian" voted to approve it - a majority of 63%. By way of comparison, at the General Assembly last Summer, the overture was approved by a vote of 1438-417 = 71%. Two-thirds of Presbytery is an appropriately high bar for a change to our Book of Church Order, and on any vote like this there are various and conflicting reasons why someone might vote against - so just because a man or a Presbytery voted against the overture doesn't necessarily mean he/it is in favor of Side B homosexuality. In addition, 15 of the 24 men on the Standing Judicial Commission have gone on official record to express strong concern with TE Johnson's statements, views, and tone-deafness. And the elders of Christ's church are being roused to attention and vigilance. I could go on.

My point is that we do not need to take a "glass half-empty" approach to the PCA. Yes, the situation is serious; and yes, we need to pray earnestly for peace, unity, purity, and truth to reign in our church; and yes, we need to continue to contend for the truth manfully, boldly, clearly, patiently, and lovingly. But I am realistically (though I trust not naively) optimistic that the Lord will bring us through these circumstances with purifying power and grace. Pray for your elders as we discuss and deliberate on these matters now and in the coming months and years. We desire to be faithful and wise overseers and shepherds of you the flock that God has entrusted to our care, not allowing wolves to enter into the sheepfold, being on guard against all false and immoral teaching. May He lead and guide us in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake!


Don't forget that our New Members Class is starting this Sunday in Room 127! If you know someone who is interested in learning more about POPC, or knows they want to join our church, please encourage them to come. It will be a nine-week class, and I will be teaching the bulk of the classes. I look forward to getting to know those the Lord desires to become a part of our family!

Murray and Hannah Robertson, one of our new families to join POPC, have moved back up to Starkville to finish college. But they will be back in the Jackson area this Summer from mid-May to the beginning of August so that Murray can finish his co-op, and are in need of a place to stay - if you happen to have a spare room, or an unused mother-in-law suite, or a garage apartment, please contact him at 601-212-1972 or!