From the Pastor's Study

March 11, 2022

I want to share an update on the PCA and a couple of ministry items that I haven't had a chance to tell you about over the past few weeks. First, the Standing Judicial Commission of the PCA has issued its decision in the case pertaining to Missouri Presbytery's handling of the teaching of the 2018 Revoice Conference. By a 22-2 vote, the SJC found that the Presbytery erred in approving six theological judgments (found on page 4 of the decision). This nearly unanimous ruling declares that the Presbytery was wrong in its assessment of Revoice theology, and directs the Presbytery to hold a new hearing in which it is to focus on the question, "What steps must MOP take to make clear to the broader Church the errors that were identified in Presbytery’s various investigations with regard to some of the teachings at Revoice 18, particularly with regard to Theological Judgments 2, 3, and 5, and what steps must MOP take to fulfill its responsibilities to protect the peace and purity of the broader Church . . . in light of those errors?” This decision is encouraging to me, not only that it ruled as it did, but also that it was so nearly unanimous. It is an encouraging indication that Revoice/Side B theology will not be allowed to be held or propagated in the PCA (if you are completely confused by what Revoice/Side B theology is, check out the PDF on this website, written by M. D. Perkins, a member of Lawndale Presbyterian Church in Tupelo).


Second, at our last Session meeting, the elders voted to hire Earl Adams as a part-time assistant to Pastor Carl in the area of Congregational Care, particularly to our senior saints, beginning May 1. Many of you know him well already, since he was an Assistant Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church. But if you don't know him, I hope you will have a chance to do so in the coming months. He regularly preaches to the smaller churches around our Presbytery on Sunday mornings, so if it's not your habit to come on Sunday evenings, it may be a little while before you get to meet him. But I can't tell you how excited I am to have Earl on our staff. His long experience in the pastorate and on the mission field, his pastor's heart, and his devoted commitment to serve the Lord's church will be a rich blessing to our congregation.


Finally, you'll notice below that our Young Marrieds Fellowship, a ministry that started in 2017, has recently morphed into a Young Adult Fellowship. The age range is still the same (22-35), but we've expanded it by including those who are not married and by adding new opportunities for gathering together to study God's word and get to know one another. Over the years, at least since I've been here to notice but I'm sure longer than that, ministry to young families has been one of our strengths as a church - ministry to singles, not as much. Many young men and women who grew up at POPC and returned to the Jackson area after college have gravitated toward other churches with more robust singles ministries. Fortunately, there are lots of great churches all around us. And as no church can be strong in every facet of ministry, I've been thankful for what other churches have been able to provide. It has been disappointing over the years, however, to see some young believers not feel able to connect well to POPC, but also not make a strong connection to another church. They languish spiritually. It is my prayer that by intentionally offering times for fellowship, community, and instruction to all in the young adult age range, we might be able more effectively to reach a group of believers (and unbelievers!) that we haven't reached as well as we would have liked in the past.

Be in prayer for this expanded ministry, and if you know any young adult single or married couple who is looking for a church family (or even if they aren't looking), or has grown disconnected from our church family, please tell them about what's happening here. Who knows how the Lord might bless this effort to the spiritual reviving of covenant children and the spiritual regeneration of those who have never known the gospel of grace and the community of grace in the church.


This post will also be taking Spring Break next week, so I'll talk to you in two weeks!