From the Pastor's Study

August 19, 2022

The Session met this past Monday evening, and I want to share some of the highlights with you.

  • We heard an update from Tammie Haynes about our Women's Ministry - it was so encouraging to hear how God is at work through her and our Women's Ministry Leadership Team and all the ladies of our congregation using their gifts to build up the body. Ladies, I hope you are planning to attend the Women's Ministry Lunch this Sunday and are able to get involved in one of the Women's Bible studies!

  • We approved several items that move the CCS High School project forward - in coming weeks and months, Lord willing, you'll start to see work being done around the building just east of our Northpark Drive entrance. Be in prayer for CCS as they begin this school year - we have record enrollment of nearly 450 students PK-9th grade. Pray that the Lord will enable our school staff to teach these children a Biblical worldview and to be His instruments of gospel grace for the glory of King Jesus.

  • We received an incredibly encouraging financial report - God is pouring out His blessings upon our church through you His people, as contributions to our General Fund are more than what we thought they would be at this point of the year by more than $230,000. Please continue to give generously so that we might continue to be good stewards of the facilities He has entrusted to us, and might be able to spread His transforming gospel of grace to the ends of the earth.

  • We approved a new title and job description for Dr. John Kwasny: Executive Ministry Director. John has been our Director of Discipleship for several years now, and in his new role he will continue to teach, counsel members of our congregation, and lead our discipleship ministries. But he will now also be the supervisor of all the Director level staff who are not teaching elders, and help to organize and integrate the work of Session committees and ministry teams. The Session approved an Adult Discipleship Ministry Team to help him with Sunday School planning, and is going to be providing the support needed in Children's Ministry. I'm thankful for this new position and role for John, as this change will free me up from several administrative responsibilities so that I will be able to focus more fully on pastoral concerns. I trust that we will all benefit by my being able to do more of what I need to be doing as your Senior Pastor, and that our staff and church-wide ministries will benefit from John's shepherd's heart and his gifts of organization. Be in prayer as we phase in these changes over the next few months. I have known John since 1996, it is a joy and a privilege to work alongside of him here at POPC!

Men, I will soon be starting up a six-week book study on J. I. Packer's classic work Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. It beautifully sets forth the doctrine of God's control over all things, His control over who is saved, and how believing that He has chosen a people for His glory impels us to share the gospel and affects the way we do it. The book is only 122 pages, so don't be daunted. We'll actually meet on two different days/times/locations, so that more of you might be able to make it: Mondays from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in the Church Parlor (beginning September 12), and Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at Dogmud Tavern on 681 S Pear Orchard Rd (beginning on October 6). If you don’t already own the book, it will cost $5. Register at to select the day you'll attend and pay for the book. Hope to see you there! (Wives, if your husband doesn't read this email, please tell them about this opportunity.)