An Update from your Diaconate

Financial Update: Last week's POPC Weekly Update contained financial highlights through the end of April. As that report showed, the Lord has blessed POPC richly through your tithes and offerings so far in 2024. Through the end of April, actual general fund contributions exceeded what we had budgeted to receive by $37,640. We give thanks for your faithful giving and encourage you to continue to give generously to help the deacons fulfill their duty to care for POPC's campus and to enable the various ministries of POPC to complete their plans this year and to encourage and enable them to pursue grander visions of Kingdom work going forward. 

  1. Campus Update: As you may have noticed, our Church campus is changing and improving. Your diaconate is carrying out a campus-wide plan to keep things up as well as make improvements. HVAC maintenance and updating is always something BIG we carry out each year. Part of the campus-wide plan is a multi-year plan to replace old HVAC units around the campus. That project is on schedule and we are planning to replace six more units this summer. Additionally, the multi-purpose building just received some long awaited attention and the youth offices/classrooms have a fresh coat of paint. The education building has also seen updates on flooring this year. If you see anything you think needs a set of eyes on it, please let us know.

    CCS has a lot going on the northwest corner of our campus with their new buildings. They just wrapped the school year which means they will be moving and shaking on their summer projects, renovating 443 Northpark Drive, and gearing up for a larger student body this fall.

  2. Other Works In Progress: The nursery playground lost a tree and we are working with many teams from POPC and CCS to cast a long term vision for that space. You will probably see some changes there over the next couple of months.

  3. Points of Contact: Our church body has grown by God’s blessing over the past few years. This also means the diaconate has grown with it. If you see a church family or member who has needs, we can help. We welcome you to let us know. You can reach out to any member of the diaconate or pastoral staff, Madison Taylor (current chairman of the diaconate), or John Wiggins (former chairman 2023). We have men who want to serve the body with effort, love, and community.

  4. Usher Duty: If you wish to get involved with the Sunday morning usher rotation, it is a great way to connect with the larger church body. Please let us know and we will happily get you plugged in. It’s a small investment of time that really provides an opportunity to continue our church’s gift of being hospitable and warm.

  5. Encouragement: A short excerpt from Colossians 2:2 says, “That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love.” I try to keep this scripture in mind as we try to look for those who need to be LOVED ON. Christ’s work in our lives should push us to love one another in action. These works (great or small) provide us encouragement and help knit us together with something greater than just the accomplishment of a task.

    Please let us know how we can be of service as your church officers.

In Christ,

John Wiggins, Communications Chair on behalf of the POPC Diaconate