From Pastor Caleb's Study

April 19, 2024

Prior to moving here, we lived in Cookeville, Tennessee, where I pastored Grace Presbyterian Church. Cookeville is in the Upper Cumberland region of the state, so there are lots of waterfalls and lots of hiking trails. We did a lot of hiking, but our children were all ten years younger back then - which means we did a lot of carrying on our shoulders or in baby backpacks. I was reminded of those days as I was doing my daily Bible reading this week in the book of Deuteronomy. Moses' last book begins and ends with the powerful image of God carrying and bearing up His people through the wilderness and all their days.

  • 1:31 - " the wilderness, ... you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.

  • 33:27 - "The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

How comforting to know that God carries His people all their journey through this difficult world, in spite of our sin and rebellion! If you are weary and growing faint, if you feel ready to throw in the towel, remember this truth that it is the Lord who carries you. Underneath and all around you are His everlasting arms, and He will never drop you.


The first Thursday of May has been declared a National Day of Prayer since Harry Truman signed a law passed by Congress in 1952. This year, upon the wonderful suggestion of Mrs. Beth Watts, we will be opening up our Sanctuary from 9:30-1:30 for us to pray together (come and go as you are able). We will be praying for the areas of government, military, media, business, education, church, and family. For more information, contact Beth at 205.902.3641 or The Lord is gracious to hear our prayers through Jesus Christ, and His command to the Israelites in Babylonian exile is applicable to us as aliens and exiles in America: "Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare" (Jeremiah 29:7). May the Lord make us more and more fervent and constant in prayer for our country, church, and families.


Men, I'm going to be starting up another Monday lunchtime small group soon. Due to schedule conflicts, vacation, and General Assembly in Richmond, VA, "soon" will most likely be June 17. We'll be reading some "Reformed Shorts" (HT: the SEC Shorts video series) - classic Reformed/Presbyterian articles, sermons, and booklets from which I have benefited over the years. If you're interested in joining us for the discussion, email Anna Vinson, our Administrative Assistant, and she will get you several of the readings I've already picked out so that you can get started reading them over the next eight weeks.