From Pastor Caleb's Study

April 25, 2024

As you'll see in the pictures below, the Session has recently heard the professions of faith from 30 young men and women. Having gone through our communicants' class, they were received into communing membership by the elders, and were presented to the congregation last Sunday morning. This is a glorious and joyful time in the life of these covenant children, their families, and our church family. God has been at work through the preaching and teaching of His word Lord's Day by Lord's Day; through parents' instruction, example, and prayers; and through the encouragement and witness of older saints and friends. He has revealed to these children that they are sinners in need of a Savior, that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, and that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus alone.

  • It's important to recognize that these children did not join the church when they professed their faith in Jesus. Presbyterians believe that the children of professing believers are members of the church from the day of their birth - even the day of their conception - by virtue of being sent by God into a believing family (see Genesis 17:7; Acts 2:39; and I Corinthians 7:14). They thus have a right to the sacrament of baptism (the sign of initiation into the covenant community), but must profess faith in Jesus in order to come to the Lord's table (the sign of communion, continuation, and growth in the covenant community). Faith comes by hearing the word of Christ, and so parents, pastors, Sunday School teachers, school teachers, and friends prayerfully bring the gospel of Jesus to them from their earliest days, looking for the day when the dots get connected and the penny drops.

  • Our Book of Church Order helpfully explains: "Believers’ children within the Visible Church, and especially those dedicated to God in Baptism, are non-communing members under the care of the Church. They are to be taught to love God, and to obey and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. When they are able to understand the Gospel, they should be earnestly reminded that they are members of the Church by birthright, and that it is their duty and privilege personally to accept Christ, to confess Him before men, and to seek admission to the Lord’s Supper. The time when young persons come to understand the Gospel cannot be precisely fixed. This must be left to the prudence of the Session, whose office it is to judge, after careful examination, the qualifications of those who apply for admission to sealing ordinances" (57.1-2).

These children now have the full privileges and responsibilities of their inheritance in the household of faith. In particular, they can commune with us at the Lord's table and cast their vote in congregational meetings. As we gather around the table in two Sundays, let us rejoice that God has added to our numbers those who recognize Him as Savior and Lord, and let us be praying that Christ would continue to deepen their knowledge of Himself through His Word and Spirit!


I want to let you know about an opportunity for evangelistic hospitality. Our brother Eldrin Bhanat has let us know that a young Muslim lady from Pakistan is coming to our area to intern at CSpire during June and July, and needs a place to stay for the summer. Her name is Rabeea Fatima, and she has been involved in a variety of activities with Christians in Hattiesburg. This appears to be a wonderful chance to continue to sow seeds of the gospel in her heart. If you possibly have the ability and desire to host her, please contact Eldrin or Rinku for more details (their contact information, along with that of every other member, is in the MinistryOne app - if you don't have it on your phone yet, please visit this page to learn how to access it!).